Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Eternal Felicity

"...Men are, that they might have joy." 
~ Lehi; 2 Nephi 2:25 

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence...”
~ Joseph Smith Jr. 

Eternal Joy, eternal happiness, comes from agency, from freedom.  The freedom to progress!  Our freedom is limited when we sin, our choices are diminished, our opportunities are lost.  Hence, from sin comes less freedom, less progression, less happiness.  

The counsel laid out in the scriptures is to provide the greatest amount of agency, to ensure the greatest depth of freedom, by which we achieve the greatest amount of eternal progression, and a heretofore indescribable magnitude of eternal felicity.  

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.”
~ Joseph Smith Jr.

Monday, 28 December 2015

A Few More Definitions

Although I have addressed many of these things before, several times, I feel it necessary to reiterate them again.  These are common terms revolving in and around the law of chastity, which are often argued over and justified.  The problem is they are so very serious that one must understand there is no compromise in the Law of Chastity and it's eternal consequence.  The blessings that are attached to chastity are of such magnitude, there is no way to completely fix them once lost.  Using the scapegoat of atonement is flawed if a person does not also realize that God is just, and the atonement only applies to the degree of one's repentance.  Repentance meaning of course turning the heart to God, and to repair the damage, and collateral damage, ensuing from the lack of chastity.  And since the damage can only be repaired to certain degrees, it is commensurate with those degrees to which the atonement can be applied.  This in no way inhibits the atonement from acquiring a soul from the depths of hell upon the turning of the heart towards God, which is one degree, and in full accordance of the laws of justice and mercy. 

In the previous post I covered fornication, and in this post I will remind my viewers of my definitions of Marriage, Adultery, Divorce, Putting Away (Separation), Re-marriage, etc.  A correct understanding of these terms is necessary for progression, even if a person is not yet meeting these definitions.  Our faith must be based in a correct principle for it to bear fruit.  If a person has done wrong, the best course of action is to own up to it, and repent completely, and live up to the standard which will produce eternal joy and eternal progression. 

I have already addressed the definitions of marriage and adultery a couple of times in my posts, and it would be wise to re-read this blog as there is much here that can easily be missed.  Marriage is when two people join sexually.  They are no longer two, but now one.  They belong to each other and no longer belong to themselves.  When either one is with another person, they are committing adultery.  Basically, any sexual contact with a person who is not your spouse is adultery, because that person is, or will be, someone else's spouse.  I do not feel it necessary to defend my definitions again, considering I have already done so in other posts. 

Divorce - Divorce is a horrible crime against Godhood.  It is something that should never happen.  Even Christ explicitly said that any man who divorces his wife, for any cause, saving that of fornication, is committing adultery.  If he is committing adultery, he has lost his Godhood.  There were very few reasons the ancient scriptures allowed for the death penalty, and adultery was one of them.  That fact in and of itself should reveal the seriousness of the crime. 

Putting Away - There are a  few times when the term "put away" is used, some of which seems to indicate a separation, but not a divorce, yet at other times it refers to divorce from a marital situation.  When John the Baptist used this term against Herod, it obviously was indicative of a type of separation, because Herod was with his brother's wife illegally.  In other words, they were living in adultery.  While Philip was yet alive, Herodias was bound to him.  In other areas of the scriptures, putting away refers to a separation, but not necessarily a divorce.  It often refers to keeping a spouse, just not having a sexual relationship, which ironically is a type of fornication, to which divorce was permitted.  The misunderstanding, or twisting of this term, has led to the justification of adultery. 

Divorce and remarriage was permitted under the Law of Moses to limit the filth and unrighteousness that was occurring.  Yet, when Jesus came, he denounced divorce and remarriage, and renewed the Law of Marriage from the beginning.  In fact, the only thing evil enough to merit divorce, according to the gospels, the Lord said was fornication!  And even then, to marry a divorcee is strictly forbidden.  By the Lord's own words, according to the scriptures, to marry a divorcee is strictly forbidden.  The arguments to support divorce and remarriage are usually found in the Law of Moses, where because of the hardness of their hearts, the Lord allowed for them to divorce and remarry.  But from the beginning it was not so. 

These terms and definitions are a hard sell to a wicked society, but I propose that we look at the concept of eternal progression and accept them with the determination that one day people will progress far enough to live by them. 

The Lord is real.  He lives according to the strict law of chastity.  And if He can do it, then so can we.  Let us all follow His example, and be as He is. 


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

The Meaning Of Fornication

I had thought I covered this topic sufficiently enough in previous posts, but apparently not.  So, I might as well address it a little deeper.  I will be more straight forward and bold this time, so please be aware.  I am fully aware that I may estrange the few friends and acquaintances I have left, but in order to offer the innocent, those whose hearts are set on following the Saviour, the opportunity to move closer to the Father, and not be led astray, I must speak out. 

The best way to deceive people is to use the familiar terms used in the scriptures, but to change the meaning of those words, so the people are led astray unawares.  In this way, the people think they are still following the dictates of God, but they have really "transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant."  This is the curse to which Isaiah was referring.   

There is a heavy movement circulating with several people writing scriptural thesis' on the 'meaning of fornication.'  In these papers, the authors strive to convince the reader of a new meaning of the term "fornication."  Of course, in order to do so, the authors must also alter the meanings of other words, such as: marriage; and adultery.  By the time one is done reading these various thesis', many readers are fully convinced of the "truthfulness" of the satanic doctrine.  These thesis' are written by very skillful scriptorians, who use various quotes of scripture and holy men (usually taken out of context) to prove their arguments, which often convinces their unread readers. 

First, these wicked scriptorians break down the meaning of the word fornication into two parts: that which precedes marriage; and that which occurs during marriage.  They assure the reader that fornication means different things in both these areas.  In the former, it is often accepted that fornication refers to sex, specifically intercourse, prior to marriage (even this they attempt to justify).  In the latter, they have gone to great lengths to create the meaning to be no longer in love with their spouse, and thereby nullifying the words of Christ, and justifying divorce and remarriage. 

I will not mention, in this post, where these thesis' can be found, in case some who are not aware decide to read them and inadvertently be led astray by them.  It is my intent to state the correct doctrine, thereby offering the reader a choice, not by debating scripture, but by the Holy Spirit of God. 

Initially, I was going to debate based on a point by point approach, but to debate only seems to inspire further contention.  Instead, I am not going to address, in this post, the meanings of marriage, adultery, divorce, or separation.  I am going to keep this focused on the meaning of fornication. 

The first thing to realize is that God does not change.  All that made Him God is still what makes Him God.  He cannot, and does not, alter that.  If we want to follow Him, to be like Him, then we too must follow the rules that He follows.  In accordance with this is to go back to earlier source material, specifically the earlier source Hebrew, paying close attention to the actual meaning of the letters.  A thorough web search will reveal a consistent meaning of Hebrew letters and meanings.  It only takes a little bit of elbow grease.  Cross-referencing with Aramaic, Greek, apocryphal books, and other earlier source material also sheds light on the subject.  Of course, having a modern prophet just ask God to clarify does not hurt either. 

So, what does fornication mean?  It obviously refers to sex in some way, but why is it that some people in the scriptures are referred to by God or His prophets, as being fornicators, when clearly they were not disgruntled with each other, or having sex outside of their marriage?  It is because fornication refers to the acting upon the lust of the flesh.  From fornication comes all sorts of sexual sins, such as: pornography; literotica; romance novels; movies and music that exalt or trivialize sexual behaviour; fantasies; crude jokes and speech; masturbation (inside or outside marriage); any type of sex with anyone outside of marriage; adultery; sexual addiction; etc.  In fact, it is easily possible for one spouse to be guilty of fornication, and the other spouse not, even if they both only have any type of sex with each other.  Because one could be interested in the other and the strength of the union, while the other could be interested in only the physical pleasure.  Even the denial of intimacy is a form of fornication within marriage.  Anything that leads closer to Christ is of Christ,  on the contrary, anything that leads closer to fulfilling the lusts of this world is against Christ. 

The trivialization of sex in our culture has done more harm than any other sin upon the face of the earth.  It was the sin at the time of Noah, the sin at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities of the plains, and prophesied to be the sin in the latter days for which the world will be burned.  The lies and deceptions of those who would gratify their vain ambitions, and excuse their sinful behaviour has led millions of people into the gaping jaws of hell.  These people who espouse such wickedness also promote the false doctrine of, 'go sew your wild oats, then return and get re-baptized and you will be clean again.' 

Beware of those who change the doctrine of Christ and His God, by changing the meanings and definitions of those teachings.  Those who change the meanings, lead people away into forbidden paths, often worrying the Law of Moses, the lower law, which was given because of the hardness of their hearts.  Because the Children of Israel were so immoral and unchaste, they were given a lower law to limit their evil desires.  The Law of Moses was not given to exalt the people, but rather to keep them from being totally evil.  The Law Christ brought was to raise people out of the filth, to move them closer to the Father.  Always follow the teachings of Christ over the Law of Moses. 

How could anything be more evil, more deceptive, than a man or a church who uses the same terms as found in the scriptures, but changes the meaning of those terms?  Yet, here we have people changing the definitions of marriage, adultery, and fornication, and as John said, "By thy sorceries were all nations deceived!"  John calls these people sorcerers.  They are deceiving nations!  All so they can feel comfortable in their own sins.  They make excuses as to why they do not speak to God in person, face to face, always looking for another reason, refusing to acknowledge their rebellion, their fornication against God.  The only thing worse would be to start promoting murder and human sacrifice. 

There is no greater idolatry in the history of the world that could surpass the trivialization of fornication.  It is, "the great whore of all the earth." 

To those who promote this wicked doctrine, and those who have fallen into it's snare, I say repent.  Turn back to God.  Give up all lusts of this world, specifically the carnal lusts and addictions of the flesh, mind, or emotions.  You have not gone so far astray that you cannot come back.  The Lord is the Lord of forgiveness.  Repent and return to Him, and you can find forgiveness and peace for your soul.  He has so much in store for you, but you can only receive it if you abide the laws upon which it is predicated.  He is there waiting for you.  He will accept all those who truly repent and reform their ways to follow Him. 

To those who have not fallen into this trap; stay strong.  I know the adversary is very persuasive and powerful with peer pressure, but God is stronger.  Keep your hearts set on your Heavenly Father, and keep your eye fixed upon the blessings He promises.  He will not fail you.  You will never regret keeping yourself pure and unspotted from the world when you see the blessings attached.  In fact, eternity and exaltation will open before you! 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Insignificant Details

I noticed there is a great deal of weight put on how much insignificant details a person knows.  Why the belief that, the person who quotes more scripture, or knows the colour of an angel's eyes, is somehow in possession of eternal life, or could lead you to the same?  Only a belief in a correct doctrine can lead a faithful person into the presence of God.  Do not put your faith in the words or actions of a person who brags on how much he knows!  If he seeks to teach you silly details, he is a deciever!  He is distracting you from the truth!  Do not follow him!  A true servant of God will do nothing but strive to get others into the presence of God while yet in this life.

It is not about how many times I have been to heaven, or by whom or how many people I have been taught, it is about getting into the presence of the Father.  I can coach you, but you have to open your heart, you must to do the work yourself.   

Yes, I have been to heaven a few times. Yes, I have been taught many things by different people on the other side of the veil, but that is not really the point.  It does not matter how much a person knows, as much as it matters to get into the presence of the Saviour, and that will only happen when your heart is broken, and your spirit is finally contrite.  

After being taught for hours, I could write  volumes, but what good would it do?  There is no reason to think the few words I have written are of me, or all I have been taught.  After seeing the beginning of the earth to the end, how will sharing all that get a person into the presence of God? Why do these things matter so much?  Of what value is it, to know if the pearly gates swing or roll?  If I tell you, then will you finally turn your hearts to God and give up the world?  

Give up the world completely.  There is no such thing as necessary evil.  Give up the world completely, and turn to God.  He is real.  He is right there waiting for you.  

Friday, 4 December 2015

A Basic Working Knowledge

It would be wise to obtain a basic working knowledge of the scriptures. This way someone doesn't have to explain every single scripture, and give each and every reference, and set forth each concept and principle, then your opinion would carry a lot more weight.

To those who like to argue.  If I have to explain every single scripture, and give each and every reference, and set forth each concept and principle, then your knowledge is severely lacking.
If you don't even have a basic working knowledge of the scriptures, how do you expect to learn anything?  And if you believe that you already have a solid understanding, then obviously you are already talking to God face to face, in which case you wouldn't have the spirit of contention. 

Bottom line:
If you aren't talking to God face to face, then you know nothing.  And once you are talking to God face to face, then you will know without a doubt that you know nothing.

Monday, 30 November 2015

A Slight Change Of Direction

As my readers are aware, I have been blogging less and less.  This has been because I have been feeling a push toward teaching correct doctrines and correcting false or polluted doctrines, whereas I had originally wanted to just share my experiences in the hopes of showing forth the fruit of following correct doctrine.  Yet the push is getting stronger, and I have finally decided to go forward with it.  I will still be using this blog to post some of the spiritual experiences that I have, and at the same time, I will add the doctrines in which I believe and follow, in order to show the connection.  For, as it says in the Lectures on Faith, 'our faith must be based on a correct principle in order for it to bear fruit.'  So, if anyone is interested in learning what principles I follow to gain these results, they are on their way! 

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Principle Of Love

Oh, how I wish I could describe the depth of love that exists in heaven!  But, how can you describe something that can only be experienced?

"Remember who you are, and where you did come from.  Remember why you're here, and all you can become."  (from the song, Remember)

Do not judge another.  Do not harm another.  Do not hurt another.  Do not be angry with anyone, for any reason.  Do not take offence to anything in the first place.  Instead, only love, help, care for, and give to everyone.  Those who do you harm, may be your best friend in heaven.  Be kind to them.  Remember, you love them with all your heart!  You will feel so sad that you ever did them any harm, whether they deserved it or not!  Never harm them.  With endless patience, lead them toward Christ.

The principle of Love is the main governing principle of Heaven.  How can you possibly expect to go where Christ is, if you do not love as he loves????  Be the very epitome of Christ-like love.  Give to all, take nothing for yourself.


Monday, 26 October 2015

A Bit Of History

This blog is spreading around the world, and often receives several hits from other continents and countries, and accordingly I have been asked to provide a little bit of history about myself.  I love to share and I will provide a bit of my background, with the reminder that all flesh is as one before the Lord, He is no respecter of persons, and the caution that no one take any of my background as any sort of reason as to why or why not the Lord speaks to any of His servants. 

Genetically, I have a very mixed background that I have researched back a few generations.  Some of which has been, and still is, elusive.  I do have bloodlines in First Nations ancestry as well.  I have several cousins that are status aboriginal, and one who is a Medicine Man among the Six Nations in Ontario. 

I was born and raised in the Catholic tradition, and had my heart set on growing up to be a priest.  Some of my mother's side of the family were of the Mormon tradition, mainly LDS, but also RLDS.  I read the Bible and was converted to the teachings of Christ, and wept because I did not believe such a religion existed on earth.  As the years passed, I moved around and came to stay with my LDS cousins for a while.  I told my cousins what I sought after, and they assured me that their church founder did indeed follow Christ and did many miracles in the way of healing the sick.  It did not take long for me to join the LDS church.  As a member I now had access to the local LDS church library and began to read voraciously of all the early journals and excerpts of which I could get a hold.  I was completely converted to the belief that those early Mormons lived according to the Gospel of Christ, which was evidenced by their fruits of healings and miracles among them. 

It did not take long for me to realize those Gifts of discipleship were lacking in the LDS church where I was, yet undismayed, I served a mission for that church, teaching the fullness of the Gospel, including many of the early doctrines no longer adhered to by that church.  This did not go over well, and I was chastened by the LDS church for teaching those pioneer principles of which they base their claim to the Lord upon.  By this time, I had already had many visions and miracles and witnessed the Lord's hand.  I had already effectively used the skills and principles taught in the priesthood to be of use to the Lord in that manner myself.  Therefore, there was no way I was going to believe that the Lord was not happy with those who followed His Gospel.  After realizing the LDS church had strayed and broken faith with me, I continued following the Lord.  I talked to Him directly, and He talked to me directly from time to time. 

I continued to progress, and was sent to serve the Lord many times.  Sometimes I failed, and sometimes I passed.  But what always mattered, was to get back up and run forward in the Lord. 

The Lord is always there.  He is ever watchful, and always waiting with His arms outstretched.  Run to Him.  He is there waiting to receive you.  Even if you fall, repent, get up, brush yourself off, and keep running.  He will catch you! 

Monday, 21 September 2015

We Must Receive In Order To Give

We give when we have, we give when we don't have.  We often give until we are utterly impoverished.  But sometimes we have problems receiving.  We must learn to receive.  How can we ask a gift of the Lord, and then not receive a gift freely given, just because it comes through an unexpected source?  Or at a time when it does not seem needed? 

Not too long ago, a friend gave me $200.  I did not feel as though I needed the money, and hesitated taking it.  But, remembering a lesson taught me by another friend, I did take the gift.  I had been ill and praying for relief, but no relief was forthcoming.  And a friend of mine asked me if I could receive?  I of course said yes, but he offered me a bit of money.  And I replied, but I don't need the money.  I needed the healing, and that is when the light went on.  If I could not receive a small gift, any gift, how could I receive the gift I was asking for? 

Anyway, back to the $200.  A friend offered me a gift of $200 and this time I accepted it.  I thought of a couple other friends who could use it, and thought to pass it on to one, or both, of them.  But the Lord had other plans.  I felt to give the $200 to a well to do family, that certainly did not need the money.  But they were praying for a gift from God.  So I did what the Spirit prompted me to do.  This well-to-do family took the gift to the Lord and made it a matter of prayer.  And they in turn were instructed to give the $200 to an elderly lady who could not make her lot payments. 

To make a long story short, I received the healing I was requesting, and the well-to-do family received a great blessing they were praying for, and the elderly lady received the payment for her home.  We must receive in order to give. 

Of course, this post began with a certain thought in mind, and ended up a completely new direction, with a deeper meaning. 

I had hoped to show the connection that we need to receive to give, and that the more we can receive, the more we can give. 


Questions, Questions, And More Questions

Often I get asked questions, sometimes very good questions.  Although, most of the time I get asked ridiculously foolish questions.  The questions are not foolish in and of themselves, but the justifications in asking the questions make it foolish. 

To ask a questions for the purpose of finding fault, a justification, or excuse as to why it should not be applied to you is foolish.  The Lord knows the truth.  You cannot hide from Him, and you will not escape His judgements.  The scriptures teach the bottom line, and this attitude of "Nothing really matters, because Christ already suffered for us." is false.  We must progress.  The grace of Christ is offered to those who repent, not to those who justify themselves.  Mercy cannot rob justice.  This lesson must be learned, and if it is not learned here, it will be learned when it is too late. 

I am always happy to answer questions, but if you ask me a question designed to bring out an argument or justification, you will find that I will side with the scriptures every time. 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

The Healing Of A Tormented Soul!

 14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,
 15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.
 16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.
 17 Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
 18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
 19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
 20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
 21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Recently, I visited with a lady who was tormented by an evil spirit.  She had been taught polluted doctrines since she was born, and being raised in a very controlling and oppressive religion, she had sunk into a deep depression.  People could see and commented on the darkness that she brought with her wherever she went.  I heard someone comment that they did not want anything to do with the tormented woman because of the darkness that accompanied her.  Yet, in great mercy, the Lord sought after His daughter, and I was asked to administer to her.

Following the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the first task was to remove her to a safe and quiet environment.  An environment where she would not be judged and where she could interact openly without fear.  An environment full of faith, and without doubts and fears of onlookers.  She wanted help so much, and willingly accepted the invitation for a blessing.  As we went for a walk, her first reaction was to lash out.  It was not from her heart, but from the evil spirit that was hovering over her. I took the abuse, knowing it was not from her heart that she spoke. 

I watched as the Spirit of the Lord taught her.  She was so thirsty for the truth.  She cast out her false beliefs and accepted the truth with an open heart.  I watched as the Holy Spirit led her out of darkness and into the light.  She so readily accepted the truth, and sought for more.  Because she could cast out her unbelief and so willingly entirely accept the truth taught her, the evil spirit had no more hold on her.  It hovered above her but could no longer have any influence on her.  It was at that time I reached forth and took her by the hand, spoke the words of the Spirit, and watched as the Lord banished that evil spirit and freed her.

Immediately, her countenance shone!  As we walked back into the living room, where her family was waiting, her mother stood and hesitated for only a moment, then ran to her daughter and embraced her.  All could see this precious soul had been freed and now shone with light.  The comments were of astonishment that this was the same woman.  

The Lord is still hard at work, and still performs miracles today.  Seek after the Lord.  He is right here waiting for you. 

Friday, 28 August 2015

Priests In White

About a year and a half ago, I received instructions to seek out those Priests in White.  A task which I have been struggling to accomplish, with, what seems to be, very little results.  I have found a few of those true Priests in White, but there is so much pride among them.  No wonder the scripture says, 'hurt not the earth until we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads.'  This will take time. 

The Priests in White are those who are the Lord's servants, those who hear His voice.  Some have seen Him face to face, some are still waiting for that pivitol moment.  But either way, these are the folks for which the earth is spared. 

The problem is, most of them are so full of pride that the Lord has talked to them, that they do not want to unite and work together.  This, of course, will be to their detriment.  It is the very few Priests in White who were united that formed the nucleus that allowed for the transformation of the earth, that allowed for the Saviour to come in His full glory. 

Do not let pride get in your way.  Humble yourselves and unite in humility and work together for the betterment of your Saviour, and His kingdom. 


Saturday, 22 August 2015

Free Yourself

Following the scriptures with a pure heart will get a person filled with the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost will inspire a person to apply the scriptures in their unique circumstance. Following the Holy Ghost will get a person into the presence of the Saviour. The Saviour will give further instructions, which when applied will lead a person into the presence of the Father.  The Father will provide instructions, which when applied, He will introduce the person to the Fathers.  The Fathers will continue to teach, etc, etc, etc. 

If you have not been introduced to the Fathers, then you have not been following the counsel of the Father.  If you have not been introduced to the Father, you have slighted the lessons taught you from the Saviours own lips.  If you have not been introduced in person to the Saviour, you are not following the instructions of the Holy Ghost. If you are not filled with the Holy Ghost you are definitely not following the scriptures.

Do not wrest the scriptures. Do not make excuses, or justify what the scriptures mean or why you are able to not follow them, or you damn yourself.


Saturday, 11 July 2015

Drunkards Of Ephriam

There is a movement that seems to be taking off with speed.  It is the justification of not following the advice of the Word of Wisdom, so much so that some are using Sacrament scriptures to justify excessive drinking, especially of the Sacramental wine. 

 8 And it came to pass that when he said these words, he commanded his disciples that they should take of the wine of the cup and drink of it, and that they should also give unto the multitude that they might drink of it.

 9 And it came to pass that they did so, and did drink of it and were filled; and they gave unto the multitude, and they did drink, and they were filled. 

Being filled does not mean filled with bread and wine, but filled with the Holy Spirit. Then when filled, administer to others. So, how much it takes to be filled with the Holy Spirit is subjective, not to mention that the officiator must have true power in the priesthood to actually receive the full promise of the ordinance.  Then, once filled, stop and administer to others. 

This also introduces the concept that one must first gain the approval and authority from Heaven in order for the ordinance to have efficacy, so that those who partake can be cleansed and filled with the Holy Ghost. 

Those who administer should partake first, be filled with the Holy Spirit first, then when they are pure, administer to others. They do not partake first for any status reason, for they are to be the servants of servants, but to be cleansed first before administering to others, that they may perform their duties in righteousness.  If they partake first for any status reason, they are impure, they will not have the Holy Spirit, and cannot administer in righteousness.  They are to "wash their hands first", not because they are special, but because they don't want to contaminate the bread and wine that they serve to their children, they don't want to contaminate the souls of those to whom they administer. 

Turn to the Lord.  Perform His ordinances the way He says, and that which He promises will be given immediately according to His word. 

Friday, 10 July 2015

We Must Accept The Truth

The wicked take the truth to be hard and won't accept it.  They argue with it, get angry with it, fight against it. 

The truth is that Jesus commanded us to be perfect.  Nephi said that the Lord gives no command unless He has also prepared a way to accomplish the thing which He commands.  So then, there is a way to be perfect.  So why argue about it.  Why not put into practice the entire gospel that Jesus taught; to repent, lay down our old life, and rise to a new life in Him; to get better; to keep progressing. 

I have had my challenges.  I grew up in a redneck home, subjected to abuse, and was taught all kinds of nasty things.  I fought very hard to get those things out of me.  And you know what?  There are still lots of left over challenges and ongoing consequences from those years.  I am not perfect; but I will not ever preach that there is no need to be!  I will never say something so anti-Christ like: "Nobody is perfect, and nobody can be, and God doesn't expect us to be." 

I say this is anti-Christ because it is exactly opposite to what Christ taught. 

I am not perfect, but I keep striving to get a little better every day.  And so many times I have failed.  But Jesus is there for me, and for you.  Don't settle for mediocrity in your morals just because you are not perfect.  Keep striving.  Keep progressing.  So what if it would take several lifetimes!  Keep progressing anyway.  It is not how perfect you have become that gains us entry into Christ's kingdom, but it is which direction we are consistently going.  Stand for Christ and preach what Christ taught, even if you are not perfect at it yourselves! 

Do not get upset or angry just because we are expected to keep all the commandments? 

I am not perfect, but I am not going to lie and say that we are not supposed to do what Christ taught.  But we must be constantly striving for it. 

I have made a lot of big mistakes in my life, and Heavenly Father knows this, yet because of the importuning of His son, Jesus Christ, He has forgiven me and let me come into His presence.  Does this mean that I have accomplished everything that I could of, had I not done those wicked things that I did?  No!  Yes, I have been forgiven, and by His grace have I progressed (I still have a long, long way to go!), but I will never have what I could have had, had I not done those things in the first place.  But there is hope.  There is always hope.  A person can repent, truly repent, and seek for the grace of Christ.  His grace is sufficient for all those who repent and humble themselves before him.  His grace is offered to all the penitent.  He loves all of His children, and wants them all to come home. 


Thursday, 9 July 2015

Bragging Is Not Repentance!

 43 By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.

Sitting around a campfire, bragging about all the nasty things you used to do, is not repentance! 

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Different Types Of Visions

 There are many different types of visions, and they come in different forms.  Don't be afraid if the different types of visions have various new age names, like astral projection, etc.  There are many gifts of God, and it seems that most of the time they are symbolic.  The gift of prophecy must be accompanied by the gift of revelation.  The two go hand in hand.  Otherwise, how will one understand the prophecy if the meaning wasn't revealed?  The same goes for other gifts like speaking in tongues, and the interpretation of tongues, faith to heal and the faith to be healed, etc.  And usually these complimentary gifts are found in two separate people.  Heavenly Father is a great believer in humility, eliminating pride, and having people work together seems to help accomplish that goal. :) 

About a week or two ago, I was hiking along a wilderness mountain trail when an omen crossed my path.  I stopped and prayed.  I prayed for my family, for those who will yet join my family, for my friends, and I prayed fervently, sending out energy, to any and all who would need help.  While I prayed I saw the scene before me and then backed away high in the sky, moved forward and zoomed back in to a new spot on the trail.  Some call this sort of thing a type of astral projection.  At this spot a big brown mamma bear came running down the trail at me.  She stopped, scuffed the ground, made growls and noises at me.  She walked to one side of the trail, then off to the other side.  Soon, she left the trail and I could pass.  Then I zoomed out and back to my current location. 

Don't be afraid of the gifts of God.  Pray for the interpretation.  If it is of God, He will provide the interpretation, either directly to you, or through another.  Remember, the Lord does like to share His gifts.  Don't turn away from a correct interpretation just because it didn't come through you!  Don't reject the interpretation just because it doesn't fit into your paradigm, or because you think it should mean something different.  Be humble before the Lord.  He will not forsake you.  Be humble and work together for the glory of God. 


Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Butterfly

The greatest testimony that I can bear, and the most powerful witness that I can share, is that of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What else could be as important as the atonement? The sacrifice that makes it possible for us to repent and return to the presence of God. 

God wants all of us to repent and return to Him.  His greatest joy is to see His children grow and progress and become as He is.

Jesus Christ came to preach repentance, to bind up the broken hearted, to show the way home;  And that way is repentance;  to completely turn away from the world, from our sins, and turn completely to God. 

God has said about those who repent and turn away from their sins and do them no more; "Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the LORD, remember them no more." 

What an amazing promise!  "I remember them no more." 

I have often wondered how the Lord could, "remember them no more", especially when the temporal effects of my mistakes were still so prevalent in my life.

Recently, I read an analogy that described this phenomena perfectly; and I remember an experience I had as a child.

When I was a child, my parents had a couple of apple trees in their back yard. I loved to climb those trees and eat the apples that grew there.  But one year the trees became covered in some sort of nasty cobwebs. Upon closer inspection I found that the trees were infested with worms. Ugly little caterpillars were crawling all over our trees. And every time I went near those cobwebs I would end up covered in worms too. 

As the summer progressed, I found cocoons everywhere. But after a few more weeks, something magical happened. One morning I awoke to find the butterflies emerging from their chrysalis.

They stretched their wings to reveal beautiful new colours and patterns, as they warmed themselves and dried their wings in the sunshine. 

No longer did I see the ugly worms they once were. I only saw beautifully coloured wings, dancing on the breeze, floating gently from flower to flower. I was amazed at the metamorphosis which had taken place. 

This is how God sees each of us; that as we repent a metamorphosis occurs, wherein we turn into a new creation before Christ. No longer does God remember our old sins, but sees only the beautiful creature we have become, His very own sons and daughters, the sons and daughters of God.

May we follow the example of our Saviour, and no longer remember each other's sins and shortcomings.  May we only see the potential that each of us has as a child of God.  And may we treat each other accordingly, as we want Christ to treat us.  May we have as much patience with each other as we want Heavenly Father to have with us.  And may we view each other as Heavenly Father views us, of infinite potential. 


Saturday, 6 June 2015


I said that I would write a bit on Keys, so here it goes. 

There is no mystical power or meaning to the term "Keys".  The term key can be used synonymously with other terms such as; code, passcode, PIN, password, legend, method, knowledge, catalyst, etc.  Now, what do all these terms have in common?  They are all allow the user to actually use the product that they are associated with.  For example; a house key allows access to a house.  A password allows access to a computer.  A PIN allows access to a bank account.  A vehicle key allows a person to start and run a vehicle.  Etc.  And in many situations, there are several keys that are needed to produce a result. 

So the keys to the priesthood, are keys that allow a person to use the priesthood.  If they cannot use the priesthood as we are instructed to do by the Saviour (D&C 13-14), then they do not have the keys to the priesthood.  Just because someone has conferred upon them a certain level of the priesthood and ordained them to a certain office in that priesthood does not mean that they have the keys by virtue of that ordination.  They must apply the keys to be able to use that priesthood and function in that office.  Now, I know that this is very basic stuff, and that a simple reading of the first four books of the New Testament express this concept over and over again, but Jesus was spot on, and it still seems to be the best way to address this topic. 

Many people have the keys, but they fail to use them, I believe it is because some don't recognize the keys for what they are, and others, well ... they just don't want to apply the keys, preferring to hold to their wickedness. 

The keys to the priesthood are very simply knowledge of how to use the priesthood.  These keys are found in the New Testament, the D&C, the BoM, and basically repeated all through the scriptures, and there are only a few of them.  In fact I have often covered them in the posts on this blog.  So there is really no need to address them all individually again.  Therefore, just to cover the principle lightly; when we live according to the covenants of the priesthood, the anointings and endowments (all of them), actually applying these things inwardly, not just in outward actions, but both inward and outward, then we are applying the keys of the priesthood, and when we do anything in this state according to the will of God, it will be ratified by Heaven.  In other words; It will be done! 

The point is that in order to utilize the Priesthood, one must use the key.  If the key is not used, there is no power or efficacy in that ordinance.  We are told not to require miracles at God's hands, but we are commanded to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc.  So all priesthood holders should get themselves and their lives in tune with the Saviour, thereby utilizing the keys, and perform their priesthood duties in power and righteousness. 

In conclusion, all these people running around looking for someone who has the "keys" (due to the priestcraft teachings of our ancestors) to perform the saving ordinances are unfortunately missing the mark.  The "keys" are plainly manifest in a person who has them.  They are manifest in everything they do.  If a person cannot follow the command of God to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc. then they have no power to bless the sacrament, or name a child, or baptize, or perform any saving ordinance.  This is a heavy blow to their pride, but that is why we have the saying, 'many are called, but few are chosen'. 

Friday, 5 June 2015

My Sheep Shall Hear My Voice

I am not a man who is skilled at writing, and even in attempting to convey the simplest concepts I find great difficulty.  And yet the Lord says, "My sheep hear my voice."  So I will continue to share those things which have brought me into the presence of God, in the hopes that someone may find a small morsel of value. 

To those who like to argue with my experiences and say all manner of evil against me:  I often do not feel the need to expound on doctrine, because I feel it is self explanatory.  It is my firm belief that those who argue over plain things have wickedness in their hearts, and no amount of expounding, sharing scripture, or persuasion will change their minds, so I will forgo and leave it to the Spirit to do the expounding. 

If you are truly concerned with one of the doctrines that I espouse, and want me to consider your point of view seriously, first find all the references that back-up what I have written, then present your point of view and I will consider it.  I do respect other people's points of view and their own life experience, yet it is my desire to help others get into the very physical presence of God, where they can see and touch and smell and hear and interact personally and experience and be taught by God himself in His very presence.  There are many of us who have stood in His very presence and been taught from His own mouth.  And on the things that we have been taught, we all agree.  It is also possible and does happen where Heavenly Father does appear to and talk to more than one person at a time.  Our Heavenly Father is very real, and wants so very much to know you and for you to know Him, in person and right now in this life.  Turn to Him.  He is right here waiting for you, ready to receive you. 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

An Interesting Object Lesson

I just experienced a very interesting object lesson in a Family Home Evening lesson.  I have seen parts of this lesson at different times and I will try to describe it with all the parts together in case someone would like to try the object lesson for themselves. 

The object lesson starts with the teacher holding up a can of Spam, and asks: "Who here can tell me what this Spam tastes like and what the results of eating it are?"  Of course a few hands go up, but not many.  Out of the few people that raised their hands, the question was asked: "How many actually tasted Spam before?"  A couple hands went back down.  Those who tasted the Spam previously were taken aside and were given the chance to taste it again to refresh their memory (which comes in handy a little later on). 

Those who tasted the Spam go into another room while the teacher goes back to the class.  Next the teacher asks: "Who here has ever seen or smelled the Spam before?"  If any have, they are taken aside, or a couple people are chosen.  They are taken aside and they are allowed to smell and see and even touch the Spam, then left outside the room until called for. 

A couple more from the group are read the ingredients and told how the product is made.  They then in turn go and teach their own group, (the rest of the class is divided into two groups) by memory what they just learned.  Everyone is assured that they are being taught the absolute truth, with no deceptions. 

Next bring everyone back into the class, and pose the questions again: 
"What does Spam taste like?" 
Those who were taken aside and actually tasted the product explained what they tasted, although there were slight differences in how they described it, and many start giving their opinions of what they think it tasted like, just based on their experiences with it.  Those who smelled, touched, and saw it, had some ideas of what it must taste like, and those who learned the ingredients and some of the process of how it is made also had opinions of what the product must taste like.  If not for a quick teacher, the expression of opinion may have escalated. 

Over the course of the conversation the arguments of 'Who knows the most about the product' is brought out.  Those who know the most about the ingredients and what they were taught about the process of how the product was made (and who taught the majority of the class) have the most support for their opinions.  Those who saw, smelled, and touched the product may be swayed to the side of popular opinion.  And soon enough, those who actually tasted are pushed aside, because after all they don't even know what the ingredients are.  They may even begin to question their own experience of just tasting the product. 

Soon enough, the knowledge of the actual taste and experience of the fruits of the product are lost, replaced by popular opinion. 

Then the teacher introduces a no name version of canned meat, and asks:  "Who knows what this product tastes like and the energy it gives?" 

The process is repeated, only this time new elements are brought into light that question the differences between the two products.  Needless to say, there are many lessons to be learned from this object lesson.  But the one that stands out to me is, all the arguments over the gospel by those who are very well read and so talented that they can get popular opinion on their side, so much so that they actually lead people away from our Heavenly Father and His ways.  All for the argument that those who have actually stood in the personal presence of God cannot quote as many scriptures, or are not as eloquent and persuasive in their speech. 

Those who have actually stood in the personal presence of God do know exactly what it is like and what they need to be like.  Those who have only read and studied and prayed about the ingredient list cannot. 

I have often felt so inadequate before the Lord, but the word of the Lord says, "My sheep hear my voice." 

So the question is: "Do you hear the voice of God, or the voice of popular opinion?"  Are you seeking out the information that those who have stood in the very presence of God can impart, or are you swayed by those who can quote scripture after scripture and yet have never stood in the presence of the Almighty?  If they have not stood in His presence, then they don't know Him.  If they cannot get themselves into His presence, they cannot get you into His presence. 

Go directly to God.  Humble yourselves before Him.  Accept the way things are and work hard to make things better.  Constantly be improving.  Care about others more than you care about yourself.  And never, never give up.  The Lord is there watching you.  He is very interested in you.  He will do, and does do, all in His power to bring you to Him.  Never give up on Him.  He never gives up on you. 


Tuesday, 7 April 2015


Miriam is one of my favourite characters in all the scriptures. She was an amazing woman to say the least!

Known most commonly as: first, the sister of Moses who followed her little brother as he floated down the Nile, and negotiated her own mother a wet nurse for the baby. And second, as the woman who spoke against the prophet and was consequently struck with leprosy and exiled without the camp for a week. This is a very bleak and loathsome assessment of one of the greatest Elias' and Prophetess' in the history of Israel.

From her youth, Miriam was gifted of the Lord. She was a prophetess in every meaning of the word. She became very well known and trusted among Israel as one who talks with God, and with whom God speaks back.

As a young girl, Miriam prophesied that her mother Yochaved would bare a son who would be a saviour to the Israelites then in Egyptian captivity.

Traditionally, Miriam was at least seven years old when her little brother Moses was born, and at this time the Egyptians were killing all the baby boys. Yochaved was distraught and knew not what to do with her new born baby. Miriam was instructed of the Lord and told her parents to place Moses in an ark and float him down the Nile and God would take care of him. Because Miriam was so trusted as a prophetess, and Yochaved was desperate, her mother harkened to the child Miriam and entrusted Moses to the Lord.

Miriam indeed followed Moses and watched as her little brother was plucked from the river by Pharaoh's sister, who has a unique story herself. According to legend, Bithiah drew the baby forth from the river and adopted him. Interestingly, the sister of Pharaoh was suffering of a disease and went to the river Nile, which of course flowed from the Gods, to wash and be healed. At that time she and her maids found the basket which contained the babe Moses, and since the Nile flowed from the Gods who was she to refuse such a gift. As Bithiah picked up the baby, she was healed of her infirmity.

Miriam was no coward and quickly approached Pharaoh's sister, offering to find a wet nurse for the baby. Bithiah agreed and Moses was saved. Miriam's prophesy was fulfilled.

As Moses grew, he found favour in the eyes of Pharaoh, but that did not save him when he came to the defence of a fellow Israelite, and killed the Egyptian attacker. For this crime, the penalty was death, so Moses fled. Gone for many years, and all but forgotten by his people, who would accept him upon his return?

Meanwhile, Miriam became so well known in Israel that all of Israel knew her as a prophetess, and called her Whisperer, because she whispered the hidden things of God. All Israel would come to Miriam to hear the voice of the Lord. And when Moses finally returned, it was Miriam who proclaimed him the Saviour of their people, sent of the Lord. It was because of Miriam that Moses was accepted. Miriam was the Elias who prepared the people for the return of Moses, the deliverance of the Lord.

I hope that so far, I have shown Miriam in her true light, as an undisputed prophetess and Elias. It saddens me that our current culture at large has such a tremendously low opinion of women, and especially women holding any sort of place above a man before the Lord. In the following paragraphs, I hope to show Miriam in her true standing before the Lord, and how the Lord not only thought of Miriam as His very own daughter, but entreated her as such, honouring her above most all other prophets in history.

Miriam (Part II)

So often quoted as proof that Miriam was just a woman and less in the eyes of God, was the incident when Miriam and Aaron were murmuring against Moses. After speaking derogatory of Moses, the Lord strikes Miriam with leprosy and banishes her from the camp for a week, although nothing happens to her cohort Aaron. The fact that Miriam was punished and not Aaron in no way signifies that God thinks less of women than of men. In fact, anyone who thinks this way knows nothing of God. Do not believe them on any point!

God is no respecter of persons, and anyone who does the will of God is accepted by Him.

The reason why Miriam was punished so severely for speaking against Moses, was because she was a prophetess and was so highly regarded by the people of Israel. Because she was the Elias and named her brother the deliverer, she could influence the people and unname him. Because she was so trusted by the people, they would listen to whatever she said. This meant that she had to be punished before the people, to show that God was not with her in her condemnation of her brother. Aaron was not punished, because comparatively he was not as highly regarded by Israel. Aaron was a great man, and a prophet in his own right, yet he was not as favoured of the Lord as Miriam.

On a side note, the Lord showed a great example of His mercy to Miriam, how His presence can not only heal the body of it's infirmities, but also heal the soul. As Miriam suffered without the camp, all Israel mourned her and plead with the Lord for her. And as Miriam was stricken with leprosy, when the Lord came to her in person at the end of her seven days, she was instantly healed. By this lesson we learn that if Moses had done anything wrong in his life, he stands in the presence of God and has been healed of his infirmities. What a beautiful lesson this story teaches, and what mercy the Lord had on Miriam now being purified, not only from leprosy, but from the taint which was on her soul.

According to the Law of God, when a person who has been struck by leprosy had been cured, that person must present themselves to the Priest and be inspected and pronounced clean prior to being let back into society.  But the Lord God of Heaven, out of His own mouth, pronounced Miriam His very own daughter, and that no mortal man would inspect her.   He Himself, would come in person and pronounce his daughter clean.   Now, does this sound like Miriam was worth any less than a man????  No, of course not.

God is no respector of persons, and anyone who does the will of God is accepted by Him. 

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Measure All You Do

Measure all you do against your covenants. Will it bring you closer to keeping your covenants (like baptism), or will it take you further away?  Will it draw you to greater perfection in keeping your covenants, or will it stagnate you, or worse yet draw you further from your covenants? 

That which brings you closer to Christ is of Christ. That which leads you to compromise is not of Christ. Go to Christ! 

We are all about eternal progression, so work hard and progress! 


Thursday, 19 February 2015

The Restoration

The entire purpose of the restoration was to restore the knowledge of how to come into the presence of God the Eternal Father.  Nothing more, nothing less. 

Many seem to forget that the entire restoration was to restore the knowledge of how to come into the presence of God the Eternal Father.  This is the knowledge that was restored to the prophet Joseph Smith, and what he tried to give to all those who would accept it.

A church was established as a vehicle to move people from the world to the presence of God.  The church is only a society to give people an opportunity to follow the pattern and perfect themselves, to work on those traits that would bring them into the very presence of the Saviour in this mortality. 

The true purpose of the restoration is to restore the correct knowledge of God, and then to offer to all who will, to come into the presence of God.  Nothing more, nothing less. 


Sunday, 8 February 2015

False Prophets

A prophet of God, says follow God.
A prophet for himself, says follow me.
A false prophet, sings Follow The Prophet.
A true prophet, sings follow Christ.


Saturday, 7 February 2015

Devil's Advocate

Those who play the Devil's Advocate, are the devil's advocate.


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Women In Mormondom

I think this quote from Women In Mormondom is quite interesting, and does seem to go along with my other posts on Women in the Priesthood. 
"The Mormon women, as well as men, hold the priesthood. To all that man attains , in celestial exaltation and glory, women attains. She is his partner is estate and office....John the Revelator thus tells the story of The Church of the Firstborn 'And they sang a new song saying... "and hast redeemed us unto God...and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on earth."' Joseph the Revelator has given a grand supplement to this. He also saw that vast assembly of the new Jerusalem and heard that song. There was the blessed woman-half of that redeemed throng. The sisters sang unto the honor of the lamb. 'And thou hast made us unto our God queens and priestesses: and we shall reign on the earth!'

'But this is lowering the theme,' says the Gentile Christian, ' the theme descends from man--the paragon of excellence--to woman.["] Enough that she should be implied--her identity and glory absorbed in Man's august splendor! Enough that for man, woman was created. Not so the grand economy of Mormonism. In the Mormon temple, woman is not merely implied, but well defined and named. There the theme of the song of the new Jerusalem is faithfully rendered in her personality. If man is anointed priest unto God, woman is anointed priestess; if symboled in his heavenly estate as king, she is also symboled as queen....

And Motherhood was (before Fatherhood) first with God in this regeneration. Has egotistic man sufficiently cogitated over this fact? And does he fully comprehend the equally significant fact that woman was the first witness of the resurrection? And who began the regeneration of the race? Whose human nature was manifested in the work? The woman's! [Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them]...Paul, in the egotism of man's apostleship, commanded, 'Let the woman be silent in the church.' Yet the church is the type of woman. If she be silent, then will there be but little of saving gospel in the world. If woman's spiritual nature prevail not in the church, then is the church dead. If her faith expires, then is there left but a wretched form of Godliness. The prophet Joseph corrected Paul, and made woman a voice in the Church and endowed her with an Apostolic Ministry...Woman must regenerate the race by endowing it with more of her own nature. She must bring forth a better type of man, to work out with her a better civilization. It is blasphemy against the divine truth of the worlds coming redemption, and of woman's mission in it, to scoff at the Mormon women for holding such faith.  Woman shall leaven the earth with her own nature.  She shall leaven it in her great office of maternity, and in her apostolic mission." "Mrs. Prescindia Kimball [wife of two prophets, Joseph Smith an Heber C. Kimball] said 'The day is approaching when women shall be redeemed from the curse placed upon Eve, and I have often thought that our daughters in polygamy will be the first redeemed.'"  
(Women of Mormondom p. 487-542.  P.S. I copied this from a second hand source, so I hope that it is accurate.  I will try to find an original source and correct any inaccuracies.) 
In my post Mother's Day, I related a very sacred event of meeting and learning from my Heavenly Mother, even though I did not write in that post all the things that She taught me.  I could share amazing things!  I could share who Heavenly Mother really is!  I can share how Heavenly Father views his bride!  I would love to shout to all the earth the relationship that They have with each other!  I would love to express understandably the relationship that spouses here should have with each other.  I would love to teach the everlasting truth about the true nature of Heavenly Mother; about the true nature of Godhood!!  But alas, how would it be accepted, when so many cannot even accept the small amount that I do share?  Already, I have met with criticism and the loss of family and friends over sharing the love and relationship that our Heavenly Parents have for each other. 

Oh, how my soul yearns and echo's the feelings of Alma:  
O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people!  
 Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth. 
Go to your Heavenly Parents.  Go to them in person.  Get to know them in person.  Stand before them in person.  I am not talking figuratively!  I am saying that they are very real, tangible beings.  Talk to them in person.  Hug them!  They are intensely loving and kind! 


Monday, 19 January 2015

An Elect Daughter Of God

The original intent of this blog was to show the spiritual gifts of following the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and although lately the posts have been leaning a little more toward doctrine, I assure my readers that there is a reason for this.  You see, unless we follow the correct doctrine, unless we have faith in a correct principle, then all the devotion in the world will not amount to anything.  If our faith is centred in false doctrine, we can strive for our whole lives and still not talk with the Saviour face to face in the flesh.  But if we follow correct doctrine, we will actually obtain the results of the Second Comforter.  This is a hard thing for most people to handle, because they like their false doctrines and they don’t want to give them up.  So they find all sorts of excuses to back up their reasons for continuing to follow their fruitless traditions.  But for those readers who are earnestly seeking to actually talk to the Saviour, I offer you correct doctrine that will actually bear fruit. 

One of the false doctrines that I would like to correct is the doctrine where people believe that a woman is a second class citizen in the eyes of God.  This is absolutely FALSE!!!!  This belief seems to be supported by several factions of the Mormon churches that oppress women and do not let them help in the work of the Lord (other than cleaning the house and caring for children).  Now, several Mormon factions say that this is the correct doctrine, but I say, then why does not the Lord support you in that doctrine and visit you in person in your affliction?  Why do you not have the miracles of Jesus happen among you?  Why are you happy to drink the swill that your leaders feed you, when they lie to you and tell you that God doesn’t visit the lowly member anymore? 

As long as you insist on sticking to your false beliefs, your faith is in vain and you will never see through the veil.  You can continue to argue doctrine and seemingly prove your point of view over and over again, but the bottom line remains the same; The heavens are as brass to you.  You are no better off than the sectarians whose only revelation is the false interpretations of scriptures.  They “hear” the voice of God in the scriptures and that is it.  You have reached your limit.  You are limiting yourself.  If you want to come to God, to come to the Saviour, then drop your false beliefs and come.  The way is open.  The way is clear.  Enter in at the strait gate and feast on eternal life; And this is life eternal, to know God in person, to follow His ways.  Repent of your sins, be humble and meek as a little child, be baptized for a remission of your sins, and start your life anew, completely devoted to Christ, and endure to the end, and you shall have eternal life. 

I would like to share with my readers an experience that just happened a few months ago in the autumn.  There is an elderly woman who has lived a very hard life.  She has been through many great and tragic abuses in her life.  Yet she has kept her faith in Jesus Christ and continues to be faithful.  A few months ago, Toni and I had a visit with her.  We visited for a few days, helping with menial things and with things not so menial.  This kindly old lady has been ostracized by several different Mormon churches and has a difficult time getting priesthood blessings and ordinances done.  So while we were visiting she asked, and I dedicated her home and administered the Sacrament, of which she had not had the privilege of partaking is such a long time.  Then she made another request. 

She requested that Toni and I give her a blessing.  Now this is a very old lady, and she remembers the old Mormon ways, ways that are long since forgotten these days, the faith of the ancients.  So Toni, my wife, anointed her head, and I sealed the anointing, and we blessed our elderly sister.  Toni stood on one side of her, and I on the other, and during the blessing, the Lord Jesus Christ came and took the place directly behind her, and her husband who has long since slept, stood in front of her. 

There was no fault in the faith of this elderly woman, nor was there any fault in a woman, Toni, administering to her.  The Lord Jesus Christ Himself came and gave His assent to that blessing.  They are pleased with her and have a place prepared for her.  She is an Elect Daughter of God, and no amount of false doctrine or naysayers will ever take that away from her. 

The gifts of God, and the presence of the Saviour, follow faith in correct principles, and no amount of arguing doctrine will change that.  If this doesn’t seem to fit your interpretation of the scriptures, then you are interpreting them wrong.  For the Lord said: 

“It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am”
“And these signs shall follow them that believe;  In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” 

So, to the naysayers, if you are not getting the results that Jesus promised, then you are not following correct doctrine.  It is that simple.  

And to the honest in heart, correct your beliefs, follow Him, and seek Him with all your hearts, and you too will soon find yourselves in His embrace.  Don’t give up!  He is real, and He will come to you, just as He promised. 


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Why Don't I Have The Spirit Anymore?

How often has it been that people have looked back on their lives and ask, "Why don't I have the Spirit anymore?  I used to have it all the time, what happened?  Maybe it wasn't real, maybe I just imagined it?" 

It is often because they asked for guidance and felt the Holy Spirit, received several witnesses, but then didn't follow through.  The cares of the world, or the influences/ridicule of other people led them to second guess the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

The ridicule, advice, suggestions of other people have influenced you away from following the guidance of the Holy Spirit you once felt. 

The Spirit did not withdraw from you, you withdrew from the Spirit.  Return to the counsel of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will return to you.  And don't leave it, even if it is your own family members who are counseling you against the Spirit, against the witnesses that you have already received. 

Return to God, and He will return to you. 


Tuesday, 13 January 2015

The Reality Of Hell

One of the responsibilities of a person to whom the Lord shows truth, is that person must now stand as a witness to that truth or be guilty of the sins of those who did not know better, yet could have done better because of the testimony of the one who saw. 

As a witness, I must stand against false doctrine, and declare the truth or I will not be found guiltless at the last day.  I have seen these things, and say with a perfectly clear conscience toward God, that Hell is a very real place and state of being. It is eternal in nature as are the consequences of our sins. Hell is as eternal in nature as is Heaven. 

Beware of the doctrine of the Scribes (scriptorians), they twist the scripture for their own gain, to lull away the hearts of men. They are the doctors of the law, the lawyers that argue points of doctrine, those people of whom Jesus declared woes. 


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Are We Prepared?

Remember ye the law of Moses, my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. 

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.  
3 Nephi 25:4-6 

One of the reasons that we are still under a curse as a people and not establishing Zion, is that we are not keeping all the commandments.  We need to keep the Law given to Moses at Horeb.  The only problem is that many changes and traditions have been added over the millennia, which make it difficult to follow the original Law that God gave to Moses at that time.  It is a good thing that Christ came in the meridian of time to correct that Law. 

On the surface, Christ gave us six major corrections to that Law, all following a simple principle.  The principle is to take the Law and apply it to our minds and to our hearts.  For example, when the Law states; Honour our father and mother, we need to make it part of our internal make up, not just a physical act.  Physical laws are telestial, and if we are aiming for a celestial glory then we must live a celestial law. 

So, we not only take care of our parents as though they were of the highest stature, but we must also apply it to our minds.  We should be thinking about how to honour them, and coming up with ways to do so.  We should be planning ahead so that when our parents get old, we are prepared and ready to care for them.  Then we will have met the requirements of a terrestrial order.  Far more than just physically caring for them, now we are mentally prepared and invested, prepared for any eventuality so that we can undeviatingly honour our parents. 

But since we are still aiming higher yet, so we strive to apply the Law to honour our parents to our hearts.  It must become a part of us; it must be the core of our hearts; it must be that to which we turn for our own joy.  And if it is our joy to honour our folks, we have become one with them, then when would we ever not be prepared, or when would we ever not meet all the physical and temporal and psychological and emotional and spiritual requirements?  It is our greatest joy, and we have celestialized that Law.  Now, and not before, are we worthy for a portion of a celestial glory. 

The Law given at Horeb was not replaced at the coming of Christ, but it was corrected, made new and complete, fulfilled.  And it is the declaration of the Lord that we must live this law in it’s complete, correct, and full form to meet the requirements of the Holy City. 


Saturday, 10 January 2015

Adam Fell ??

Adam fell that man might be; men are that they might have joy. 
I read a comment about this statement that introduced the idea of a conundrum in the fact that disobedience had to take place in order for us to be here, but that obedience was needed for us to go back to God, which may forward the idea that disobedience is an acceptable evil and a good thing.  I have even heard insinuations that people should go and do evil, just so that they can experience the bad and therefore appreciate the good.  This, to me, seems ridiculously stupid, only a blatant justification to satiate their appetites for evil.  Those who behave this way will find an eternal loss at the end of the road. 

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if  we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.” 
~ Joseph Smith Jr. 

Adam did not fall in the sense that he committed any crime.  As I have said before, the scriptures were written for wicked people, who can’t think or understand beyond punishment and reward.  In reality, Adam made a clear, informed decision to leave his exalted state to enter mortality again for us. 

In the Garden of Eden, before entering this estate, Adam waited on Eve to decide when she was ready to enter this estate.  Eve chose the time, and entered first, then Adam also entered.  They did not sin, nor were they disobedient; they chose to become mortal so that their children may ascend. 

Adam laid down his exaltation that man might be; men are that they might be exalted. 


Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Looking Beyond The Mark

It is amazing how many times in the scriptures that we are instructed to search out the mysteries of God.  (If anyone has taken the time to count, feel free to post it in the comments.)  I believe that it is imperative that we search out the mysteries of Godliness and that we approach God in person and receive divine instruction on those mysteries.  But are we asking about the mysteries of godliness or are we asking about details like what colour the paper that the record of life is printed on?  Are the questions pertinent to our efforts of entering back into the presence of God, or are we just interested in gathering facts and figures?  After all, when we learn something new from God, we are then under obligation to live up to that information. 

I am often asked very strange questions (At least questions that I consider strange), though everyone should ask questions about whatever topic interests them.  Some questions that I am asked are things like: what kind of commerce do they have in varying degrees of heaven; how do we use more of our brains, since we only use about 10%; what do people eat in heaven; how did the Gods first start????  All very valid questions, but to me, not all that important at this time.  In my view, those things are all second to our primary objective.  Sure they are important, but not really important until we have gotten our hearts in order and have repented of our sins and are progressing along the path of Christ. 

I think Christ said it best when he said that some people strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel (I am aware this saying applies to arguments over doctrine).  It is good to seek for knowledge, but it is also good to put first things first.  The question could be posed: Will this get me closer to my Saviour?  Will this information help me overcome the world and allow me to return to my Heavenly Father? 

By no means am I saying not to ask.  If it interests you then you should ask.  My only advice is to put first things first, and then all the other things will come. 

Just a few thoughts.


Monday, 5 January 2015

Without Beginning Of Days, Or End Of Years

What an amazing statement. 

Recently a friend brought this phrase to my attention, along with similar topics in the conversation like: I am that I am; and that God always was, always is, and always shall be; and how we were with God from the very beginning.  The question was posed of, what is this priesthood, and what does ‘without father, without mother, without descent’ actually mean? 

When we look at the blessings that God has promised to the Fathers, we see that those blessings include things that only a God could accomplish.  When we take into consideration that level of priesthood, ‘without father, without mother, without descent’, how do we actually obtain that level?  What does it mean, ‘without beginning of days, or end of years’?  How did God actually obtain this priesthood?  Does it mean that only those who have it have it, and the rest of us are just out of luck? 

I would like to present the idea that “without beginning of days, or end of years” means that it already always exists inside us.  And we obtain it “without father, without mother, without descent” because it is already part of our divine make-up, always has been, always will be.  We do not obtain this priesthood by someone giving it to us, but by our realizing it, living up to the potential already inside us. 

To realize this potential we just need to follow the method that brings it out, and that is what God is trying to teach us.  That is why we are here.  The scriptures are full of the teachings of the Fathers, the methods that lead a person to realize godhood.  And all we need to do is follow the method that Christ taught and we will bring out that divine trait already inside us and realize our full potential.  Then we will have that priesthood like unto the Fathers, without beginning of days or end of years, from which all blessings flow. 


Saturday, 3 January 2015

Rumours, Lies, And Bearing False Witness

When Christ came He tried to lift the standard of morality by applying the commandments to the heart and mind, instead of just the outward physical acts.  For example:

Ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, and it is also written before you, that thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment of God; 

But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of his judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. 

If we apply the same principle to all the commandments we find that there is plenty of room for improvement, which is hopefully what we are all trying to do; to improve, to progress.  One of the commandments; Thou shalt not bear false witness, is easy to apply to the mind and to the heart.  If we follow the same pattern as Christ taught about not killing or even being angry, then we can see that those things that would lead a person to bear false witness, or precede bearing false witness, are also sin and should be avoided at all costs. 

Bearing false witness is often justified as only lying about someone in court, or at a trial, or in some legal way, though telling rumours or lies about someone is still bearing false witness even when not in court.  If a person were to say that they saw another stealing, yet they did not see the person steal, that lie is still false witness whether in court or not.  A false witness is a false witness.

Is the person who repeats a false witness, or an exaggerated account, or whatever other way spreading rumours not also contributing to that false witness?  Of course he is! 

For he who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory. 

And he who cannot abide the law of a terrestrial kingdom cannot abide a terrestrial glory. 

And he who cannot abide the law of a telestial kingdom cannot abide a telestial glory; therefore he is not meet for a kingdom of glory.  Therefore he must abide a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory. 

D&C 88:22-24

It is a harsh reality, that if a person cannot live the telestial law of not bearing false witness, that person cannot abide a telestial glory. 

As with sins of commission, there are sins of omission.  It is a personal responsibility to ensure the validity and truth of the information we pass on. 

Let’s be careful and cautious and raise our standards and strive with all our might to live up to the principles that Jesus taught.  Let us go forward and purify ourselves so that we too may stand in His presence and look upon His face and not be ashamed. 
