Saturday, 6 June 2015


I said that I would write a bit on Keys, so here it goes. 

There is no mystical power or meaning to the term "Keys".  The term key can be used synonymously with other terms such as; code, passcode, PIN, password, legend, method, knowledge, catalyst, etc.  Now, what do all these terms have in common?  They are all allow the user to actually use the product that they are associated with.  For example; a house key allows access to a house.  A password allows access to a computer.  A PIN allows access to a bank account.  A vehicle key allows a person to start and run a vehicle.  Etc.  And in many situations, there are several keys that are needed to produce a result. 

So the keys to the priesthood, are keys that allow a person to use the priesthood.  If they cannot use the priesthood as we are instructed to do by the Saviour (D&C 13-14), then they do not have the keys to the priesthood.  Just because someone has conferred upon them a certain level of the priesthood and ordained them to a certain office in that priesthood does not mean that they have the keys by virtue of that ordination.  They must apply the keys to be able to use that priesthood and function in that office.  Now, I know that this is very basic stuff, and that a simple reading of the first four books of the New Testament express this concept over and over again, but Jesus was spot on, and it still seems to be the best way to address this topic. 

Many people have the keys, but they fail to use them, I believe it is because some don't recognize the keys for what they are, and others, well ... they just don't want to apply the keys, preferring to hold to their wickedness. 

The keys to the priesthood are very simply knowledge of how to use the priesthood.  These keys are found in the New Testament, the D&C, the BoM, and basically repeated all through the scriptures, and there are only a few of them.  In fact I have often covered them in the posts on this blog.  So there is really no need to address them all individually again.  Therefore, just to cover the principle lightly; when we live according to the covenants of the priesthood, the anointings and endowments (all of them), actually applying these things inwardly, not just in outward actions, but both inward and outward, then we are applying the keys of the priesthood, and when we do anything in this state according to the will of God, it will be ratified by Heaven.  In other words; It will be done! 

The point is that in order to utilize the Priesthood, one must use the key.  If the key is not used, there is no power or efficacy in that ordinance.  We are told not to require miracles at God's hands, but we are commanded to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc.  So all priesthood holders should get themselves and their lives in tune with the Saviour, thereby utilizing the keys, and perform their priesthood duties in power and righteousness. 

In conclusion, all these people running around looking for someone who has the "keys" (due to the priestcraft teachings of our ancestors) to perform the saving ordinances are unfortunately missing the mark.  The "keys" are plainly manifest in a person who has them.  They are manifest in everything they do.  If a person cannot follow the command of God to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc. then they have no power to bless the sacrament, or name a child, or baptize, or perform any saving ordinance.  This is a heavy blow to their pride, but that is why we have the saying, 'many are called, but few are chosen'. 


  1. Hello Karen, Yes, women may use the keys as well as men, women may have the priestesshood conferred upon them. And, yes, when we live in accordance with the ordinances, we do have the keys at our disposal.

    Yes, women can live the ordinance and be given, and exercise, all the same promises as the men. God is no respecter of persons. And, I absolutely agree with you, that women often have more ability in regards to healing than do men. I have personally been healed by a woman, and have had several women administer blessings to me.

    What you shared about unclean spirits, is also quite accurate!

    Yes, anyone who is worthy is able to do the work of the Lord if He ordains it. The Lord is no respecter of persons. I put up several posts under the tag "Women In The Priesthood". I believe they will help you in your search.

    That is a beautiful experience to see the angels gather around to bless the baby! Women on the earth now, may do as much as ever they could. Women have as much right to the blessings of God. All the same qualifications apply. I know of many women who have amazing gifts. I know of women who have the priestesshood conferred upon them, and they perform the ordinances with power and authority, according to the will of God.

    Take a look at the posts on "Women In The Priesthood", and feel free to ask any other questions you may have. The Lord loves us. He is no respecter of persons, and will bless any of His children who come unto Him.


  2. Also, take a look at the post "Mother's Day", and do not be afraid to read between the lines, because I wrote very, very sparingly!
