Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Principle Of Love

Oh, how I wish I could describe the depth of love that exists in heaven!  But, how can you describe something that can only be experienced?

"Remember who you are, and where you did come from.  Remember why you're here, and all you can become."  (from the song, Remember)

Do not judge another.  Do not harm another.  Do not hurt another.  Do not be angry with anyone, for any reason.  Do not take offence to anything in the first place.  Instead, only love, help, care for, and give to everyone.  Those who do you harm, may be your best friend in heaven.  Be kind to them.  Remember, you love them with all your heart!  You will feel so sad that you ever did them any harm, whether they deserved it or not!  Never harm them.  With endless patience, lead them toward Christ.

The principle of Love is the main governing principle of Heaven.  How can you possibly expect to go where Christ is, if you do not love as he loves????  Be the very epitome of Christ-like love.  Give to all, take nothing for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Brother Joseph! This is exactly what we spoke about earlier. Looking back the past few days I realize I have failed the "pop quizzes" I have received. But now that I have recognized it and aknowledge it, I can turn back around and love more deeply and purely then before.
