Monday, 30 November 2015

A Slight Change Of Direction

As my readers are aware, I have been blogging less and less.  This has been because I have been feeling a push toward teaching correct doctrines and correcting false or polluted doctrines, whereas I had originally wanted to just share my experiences in the hopes of showing forth the fruit of following correct doctrine.  Yet the push is getting stronger, and I have finally decided to go forward with it.  I will still be using this blog to post some of the spiritual experiences that I have, and at the same time, I will add the doctrines in which I believe and follow, in order to show the connection.  For, as it says in the Lectures on Faith, 'our faith must be based on a correct principle in order for it to bear fruit.'  So, if anyone is interested in learning what principles I follow to gain these results, they are on their way! 


  1. Note: I will still be sticking to my policy of not approving any comments that are argumentative and/or promote false doctrine. It is still my stance to expect those who wish to chastize or correct me, FIRST to find all references in scripture that back up my stance, BEFORE promoting their own viewpoint.

    1. I'm glad you put that little announcement ^ in here.

    2. Even though I have published a couple of different viewpoints. ;)

  2. I think this is great. Happy to see another post from you :)

  3. I am currently working on a controversial post. It may lose me the few friends I have left ;)
