Monday, 10 March 2014


Why would some people not want to listen to spiritually uplifting experiences?  Experiences that show that God is real.  That God really does talk to people today.  That He still gets involved in people’s lives? 

Why do some people not want to hear about miracles, visions, dreams, angelic visitations, yet they love to read the scriptures where those things are written???? 

For some it is pride.  They want those spiritual things to happen, they just want them to happen to them, and they are angry when they happen to someone who they feel is inferior.  This is not the way of God, and the prideful will never experience the things of God (unless it is to their condemnation). 

For some it is too real.  They love to live in their little bubbles, surrounded by excuses and justifications, all so they don’t have to give up anything or do anything.  They are content with their life, and if they see that these things are possible, then they would feel guilty because they are not doing what it takes.  

Oh God, who made the sun and the moon, the earth and the stars, the entire universe, everything that was made, Thou whose only desire is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, bless thy Holy Name! 

All can become prophets, if they follow the principles of the Living God, give up the world and let God be their only desire. 


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