Friday, 7 January 2022

A Very Specific Path

It is often that folks would like to see the Saviour, and they quote scripture as precedence, like the story of the Brother of Jared, who saw the Lord. They keep believing, year after year, but cannot figure out why they have not seen the Saviour yet. Upon simple investigation, we find they do not actually follow the example of the Brother of Jared. Instead, they only focus on the end result. They miss the entire path leading up to their goal!

The Brother of Jared followed a very specific path for years, until his faith was so strong, the veil was taken off his eyes. This story is presented to offer everyone the same privilege. If we follow the same very specific path the Brother of Jared followed, then we too may have the same kind of faith, and become a living witness of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua Messiah.

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