Monday, 29 July 2019

The Kingdom Of God, And His Righteousness

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
~ Matthew 6:33  
And, Why will they be added unto you?

Because the Lord knows that you will not use them to consume it upon your lusts, but only for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness!



  1. That verse has always given me hope and it is so simple, so why is it so hard to do?! Since I have started this "leg" of my journey the more I learn the more I realize how deeply "programed" I have been. And the programing comes from all directions of life, not just a church. I myself am responsible for some of that programing, the thoughts I allow to dominate I can change, with the help of the Holy Spirit that exists in everyone,
    The desire to seek is first, but I can't stop there. I need to nurture that desire, through prayer, scripture study and sharing with others. I need to recognize the thoughts that prevent me from doing the right things, and ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to keep these thoughts where they belong, which is no where.
    The Lord always seems to have you post things we are working on, coincidence? I think not : ) Thanks for sharing all you do. Irene

    1. I am always amazed, at how the Lord inspires all of us, so that we each support each other!
