Saturday, 23 January 2016

Happy Things

I love talking about the happy things of the Gospel!  But, unfortunately, so many times we are asked to address those things that would pollute the doctrine of Christ, and it gets difficult after a while, only addressing the negative.  So, I thought to post about a happy subject this time. 

When I first began this blog, I posted about some spiritual experiences, and I would like to write about another spiritual experience that we had just recently. 

Some have expressed an interest in how we hold our meetings.  Of course we hold all sorts of meetings, Sacrament meeting, council meetings, Sunday School, Family Home Evening, Firesides, Priesthood meetings, etc, etc, etc.  And each of them are conducted in a different way.  Yet, all are to be conducted by the Spirit of God.  So, I will share an example of how we conduct a Sacrament meeting.  But remember, it is not so much in how you conduct a meeting, as much as it is in the focus of the heart, and the utter humility and meekness before the Lord. 

  1. We open with an Hymn.
  2. Under the sign of the High Priesthood, I invoke the powers of heaven.  Call upon angels to attend, and whatever we need for the meeting (usually this is revealed through the spirit of prophecy). 
  3. Sing another Hymn. 
  4. Someone is called upon to give a talk or sermon.  They are to speak by the Spirit of Prophecy and Revelation so that we can be edified. 
  5. An intermediate Hymn. 
  6. The Sacrament is prepared, blessed under the sign of the High Priesthood, and passed in accordance with the pattern set in the scriptures.  (It is the duty of those administering the Sacrament to ensure they have unleavened bread and appropriate wine for the ordinance.  Of course there are times when these things are not always prepared or available, although this should be a very rare occurrence if ever.) 
  7. After (sometimes during) the Sacrament is a time to be taught by angels, receive revelation, etc.  Many people in the congregation receive revelation and speak by the power of God. 
  8. The benediction is given under the sign of the High Priesthood, during which the Lord is thanked, the angels are released to resume their normal duties, and a blessing is often offered. 

This past Sunday, during Sacrament Meeting, some of the children in the congregation saw angles there with us.  There were angels actually present, and even Heavenly Father himself was watching.  One person spoke by the Holy Spirit, and we were edified.  It was a lovely spiritual experience. 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Perfecting Ourselves

There is something bothering me tonight.  I have friends that are seeking an audience with their Saviour, and from time to time there seems to be frustration that their goal has not yet been realized.  And I worry that they will give up on their goal, or perhaps give up on their faith.  The reason I am worried is because it seems to be the only thing that matters to my friend, at the expense of other gospel principles. 

I have noticed several people who have seen the Saviour, talked to Him face to face, were not necessarily directly seeking an audience with Him at that time, yet they saw Him.  They saw Him when they were focusing on repentance, when they were focusing on self correction, on fixing themselves, fixing their hearts, and on serving others. 

"As I have loved you, love one another." 

"Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."

Please do not give up!  Keep working on your goals.  Keep working on all the aspects the Saviour taught.  

Saturday, 2 January 2016

My Doctrine

Behold, this is my doctrine—whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church.
Whosoever declareth more or less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me; therefore he is not of my church.
And now, behold, whosoever is of my church, and endureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them.  
~ D&C 10:67-69 

I love this scripture!

The Lord has His own church, and all those who repent and come to the Messiah, are His church.  Even though this is a huge order, no other qualifications are necessary.   And anyone who says so, is not of God.  Oh, how comforting!  We no longer have to wonder at all the strange things that various churches ask us to do.  All we need to do is what Yesua did; what He does!  Then we are of His church. Yet we must endure, and remain in His church.  We must maintain that repentance and stay with the Lord. 

And the promise, that if we are of His church, and endure of His church to the end, He will establish us upon His rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against us! 

Friday, 1 January 2016

Glory To God!

For although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at naught the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him. 
~ D&C 3:4 

No matter how high a person rises, it is still possible to fall.  Remember the fallen angels, Lucifer, and the prophets who fell.  There is a fallacy that a person can be sealed up and therefore can never fall.  But remember King David, and Solomon, etc, who fell and lost all they had.  Where much is given, much is required.  The higher a person rises, the further the possible fall.  The more a person knows better, the more strict the commandments to that person, the less leeway that person has to waiver.  As Jesus said, "Those who have ears to hear, hear." 

Of the person who knows better, it is required to do better, and that person will be judged according to what they know.  The person who does not know better, will only receive a few stripes, according to their actions, according to their heart.  Of course, each will only progress as much as they know and follow too.  So, it is a two edged sword, for a person cannot be saved in ignorance. 

We must always beware of pride, for the moment a person seeks to gratify their pride, their priesthood is gone, then they are left to kick against the pricks. 

Let us all remember, it is from God that all good things come.  Let us be ever so wise in the use of the gifts that He gives us.  Always keeping in mind, the one from whom all blessings flow, the one who trod the wine press and was perfect, the one who exists independent of all things, in whom is all things, from whom all things exist.