Friday, 1 January 2016

Glory To God!

For although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at naught the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him. 
~ D&C 3:4 

No matter how high a person rises, it is still possible to fall.  Remember the fallen angels, Lucifer, and the prophets who fell.  There is a fallacy that a person can be sealed up and therefore can never fall.  But remember King David, and Solomon, etc, who fell and lost all they had.  Where much is given, much is required.  The higher a person rises, the further the possible fall.  The more a person knows better, the more strict the commandments to that person, the less leeway that person has to waiver.  As Jesus said, "Those who have ears to hear, hear." 

Of the person who knows better, it is required to do better, and that person will be judged according to what they know.  The person who does not know better, will only receive a few stripes, according to their actions, according to their heart.  Of course, each will only progress as much as they know and follow too.  So, it is a two edged sword, for a person cannot be saved in ignorance. 

We must always beware of pride, for the moment a person seeks to gratify their pride, their priesthood is gone, then they are left to kick against the pricks. 

Let us all remember, it is from God that all good things come.  Let us be ever so wise in the use of the gifts that He gives us.  Always keeping in mind, the one from whom all blessings flow, the one who trod the wine press and was perfect, the one who exists independent of all things, in whom is all things, from whom all things exist. 


  1. I am totally understanding this one. As a person comes nearer to God and goes through the cycles of creation, higher the risk for falling and becoming a fallen one and become perdition or Satan. Only those that are on the pathway to become GODS are the ones who have the most to loose, if they yield to pride. You just said it better then me :) I love reading other posts that explain things that I have already learned or are learning. It's like I'm a 2nd witness to these things or realize I'm not the only one learning them. Either way I love it. Happy a beautiful New Years!

  2. Sally, I love it when that happens! I love it when it happens to me. When I am learning something, and the Lord backs it up with a second witness. I love it when I am the second witness. I just plain out love it when I am involved in the work of the Lord. :)
