Monday, 24 November 2014

Zina Diantha Huntington Smith Young

"For many years, Zina taught the children of Brigham Young and others, too, in the family school.  She became the third General President of the Relief Society, having served many years as Eliza’s first counsellor.  Among women’s movements, she became both a state and a national figure, being a speaker of rare ability.  Often she had united her faith with such great women as Eliza R. Snow, Lucy Bigalow Young and Bathsheba W. Smith in behalf of the sick.  Great healings were obtained by their faith coupled, of course, with the faith of the afflicted sisters and children who sought their help.  A woman of many abilities, Zina studied and practiced obstetrics with success stemming from both skill and living faith.  From Our Pioneer Heritage 6:408, we quote the following:  “Zina served as midwife at the birth of nearly all of the children of Brigham Young’s other wives.  She was inherently fitted for this work and brought into the world hundreds of babies as well as performing the endless duties of a nurse.”"

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 110 

Those familiar with these early leaders may recall the stories of healings at their hands, great healings as Rhea puts it. 

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


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