Thursday, 27 November 2014

Phineas’ Faithful Wives

“Relief from the evils of the times, including tyrant employers, did not come at once.  Phineas was tried, discouraged, and somewhat bitter.  The Lord has his own ways of subduing the sometimes tumultous feelings of his children’s hearts and of implanting in us an awareness of our own weaknesses.  So He did with Phineas.  Once humbled to the dust, he was ready for and did  receive personal instructions from the Spirit of the Lord in which, after the chastisement, came the blessing.  (Note also, dear reader, that again we have the ordinance of administration with a blessing, promised through women living a Higher Law.) :

I returned late in the evening completely over done with the days trip.  The next day I was confined to my bed.  I had chills and fever and had a pain in my finger which proved to be the eyeresypelas.  It was full of inflammation and great pain.  I asked the Lord to heal me, and it was manifest to me that I had done wrong for finding fault with bro Brigham, and I must repent or I had forfeited my right to live.  I promised to do better in future, and as soon as circumstances would permit, I would go and see him and make it right.  It was then manifested to me to call my three wives to lay hands on me and pray for me that I might be healed, which I did, the oldest being mouth for the others.  I soon felt better.  We had nothing in the house to eat but a little boiled wheat that I had laid up for seed.  Ellen Green, daughter of William Camp, heard of our situation and had the kindness to lend us 15 lbs of flour and a little tea and sugar, for which may God bless her forever.  
(Life and History of Phineas Wolcott Cook, p. 98) 

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 154   

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


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