Thursday, 27 November 2014

Phineas’ Faithful Wives

“Relief from the evils of the times, including tyrant employers, did not come at once.  Phineas was tried, discouraged, and somewhat bitter.  The Lord has his own ways of subduing the sometimes tumultous feelings of his children’s hearts and of implanting in us an awareness of our own weaknesses.  So He did with Phineas.  Once humbled to the dust, he was ready for and did  receive personal instructions from the Spirit of the Lord in which, after the chastisement, came the blessing.  (Note also, dear reader, that again we have the ordinance of administration with a blessing, promised through women living a Higher Law.) :

I returned late in the evening completely over done with the days trip.  The next day I was confined to my bed.  I had chills and fever and had a pain in my finger which proved to be the eyeresypelas.  It was full of inflammation and great pain.  I asked the Lord to heal me, and it was manifest to me that I had done wrong for finding fault with bro Brigham, and I must repent or I had forfeited my right to live.  I promised to do better in future, and as soon as circumstances would permit, I would go and see him and make it right.  It was then manifested to me to call my three wives to lay hands on me and pray for me that I might be healed, which I did, the oldest being mouth for the others.  I soon felt better.  We had nothing in the house to eat but a little boiled wheat that I had laid up for seed.  Ellen Green, daughter of William Camp, heard of our situation and had the kindness to lend us 15 lbs of flour and a little tea and sugar, for which may God bless her forever.  
(Life and History of Phineas Wolcott Cook, p. 98) 

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 154   

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

E. A. W. High Priestess

“In the Spring the work of giving endowments commenced and President Young called Sister E. A. Whitney and myself to officiate in the ordinances of the House of the Lord.  The position seemed as natural to me, as if I had always been accustomed to it.  We both enjoyed the labor very much for we loved the work and the Lord blest us with His Spirit.  We seemed to live above everything earthly or trivial while engaged in those spiritual duties, and we had many comforting dreams as well as other manifestations that the Lord approved of our ministrations.  O, it is heavenly to be thus employed; angels seemed to watch over us, for had we not made every sacrifice willingly that we might serve our Father in heaven and keep His Holy commandments?  Sister Whitney was abundantly blest with gifts and graces in spiritual things, and I loved her as my mother, a mother in Israel to all the daughters in Zion, especially those who had entered into the new and everlasting covenant. …” 
(Woman’s Exponent, Volume 12, p. 67) 

“Mother Whitney … was designated by the prophet Joseph Smith as ‘the sweet songstress of Zion.’  She was among the first members of the Church to receive the gift of tongues, which she always exercised in singing.  The Prophet said that the language was the pure Adamic tongue, the same that was used in the garden of Eden, and he promised that if she kept the faith, the gift would never leave her.  It never did, and many who heard her sing never forgot the sweet and holy influence that accompanied her exercise of this heavenly gift.  The last time she sang in tongues was on the day she was 81 years old. … At a meeting held in the Kirtland Temple, Sister Whitney sang in tongues and Parley P. Pratt interpreted, the result being a beautiful hymn descriptive of the different dispensations from Adam to the present age.  She is said to be the second of her sex to receive the endowments, being a High Priestess in the House of the Lord, in which capacity she served until a short time before her death, or until she was obliged to relinquish her labors on account of ill health.  In that position it became her privilege to bless hundreds, perhaps thousands, of the daughters of Zion.” 
(L.D.S. Biographical Encyclopedia 3:563-564) 

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 114 & 115   

It is getting increasingly difficult to deny that the women in the early church did indeed hold the priestesshood. 

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


Monday, 24 November 2014

Administering To The Sick And Casting Out Devils

Of Dr. Willard Richards, was written, “He was an Apostle, holding the holy priesthood, with power to administer in all the ordinances of the same, and he was not only willing but anxious to help forward all who desired to become acquainted with the principles he so well understood.  He realized that the gift of healing was a power, especially when combined with works adapted to the circumstances of the case, and he felt that it was quite necessary that those who officiated among the sick, especially midwives ought to have all the blessings that could be conferred upon them by those holding the keys of the priesthood of God upon the earth. 

Accordingly he laid his hands upon the heads of a number of the sisters who had prepared themselves to act as midwives and also administering to the sick and afflicted and set them apart for this very office and calling, and blest them with power to officiate in that capacity as handmaids of the Lord.  Among the number set apart at that time Sister Presendia was one who received the blessing, and from that day to this she has realized the power and influence it conferred in her daily administerings, not only when she has been called upon to act as a midwife, but when washing and anointing and blessing the sisters. 

There were other sisters set apart and blest at the same time, among whom were Sisters Elizabeth Ann Whitney, Laura Pitkin Kimball, who were set apart to administer to the sick.  They appreciated this blessing for they had implicit faith in the power of the priesthood. …”  
(Woman’s Exponent, Volume 12, p. 75) 

“Not many days after the circumstance just mentioned a meeting was held at the house of Christine and Frances Swan Kimball where the evil power was again apparent; so strong was the influence that the spirits were seen and heard, and they tried to destroy those in the room by choking them.  Sister Laura Kimball and I laid our hands upon five of those so affected, and rebuked the destroyer in the name of Jesus.  This is one of the instances wherein the words of the Prophet were fulfilled, when he said at the time of the organization of the Relief Society of Nauvoo, ‘That the Sisters should have power to cast out devils, rebuke the powers of darkness and do many wonderful things.’  The Sisters felt themselves much humbled in spirit…” 
(Woman’s Exponent, Volume 12, p. 11) 

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 113 & 114   

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood


Zina Diantha Huntington Smith Young

"For many years, Zina taught the children of Brigham Young and others, too, in the family school.  She became the third General President of the Relief Society, having served many years as Eliza’s first counsellor.  Among women’s movements, she became both a state and a national figure, being a speaker of rare ability.  Often she had united her faith with such great women as Eliza R. Snow, Lucy Bigalow Young and Bathsheba W. Smith in behalf of the sick.  Great healings were obtained by their faith coupled, of course, with the faith of the afflicted sisters and children who sought their help.  A woman of many abilities, Zina studied and practiced obstetrics with success stemming from both skill and living faith.  From Our Pioneer Heritage 6:408, we quote the following:  “Zina served as midwife at the birth of nearly all of the children of Brigham Young’s other wives.  She was inherently fitted for this work and brought into the world hundreds of babies as well as performing the endless duties of a nurse.”"

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 110 

Those familiar with these early leaders may recall the stories of healings at their hands, great healings as Rhea puts it. 

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


Saturday, 22 November 2014

Marvelous Healing

"... when we got to the City, Adaline's eyes were very bad.  I tried one or two Doctors again but to no effect.  Of course I had called in the Elders, but did not seeme to do much, so one day I met Elder Pratt, and asked him what more I could do.  He thought for a moment, and then said for me to give him her name in full and he would take it to the Prayer Circle where the Twelve Apostles and Presidency met, and for me to take her to Uncle John Smith the Patriarch, Joseph's uncle, and have him Administer to her, as he lived on the same Block.  I took her and told him what I wanted.  He told his wife to annoint her eyes, which she did, and then he laid his hands on her head, and Prayed for, and Blessed her, and when we started home, I was leading her by the hand, and she looked up in my face, and said,  "Father my eyes are nearly well.  And I now Bear my testamony that her eyes were well in a few days, and we did not have to keep her in a dark room any more.  Soon after this on her Birthday Dec. 20th, 1852, I cut a hole in the ice in City Creek, when it was 8 or 10 inches thick, and baptized her."

Voices Of Women, Rhea Kunz, pg. 17
(Journal of William Moore Allred, pp.15-16)

It is interesting to note that the Patriarch's wife was an active participant in the priesthood ordinance.  This of course is no surprise to those who understand the Patriarchal Priesthood that is conferred at the Second Annointing.  

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


Women And The Priesthood

I have been putting this topic off for a long time to the point where it is weighing on me not only spiritually, but physically as well.  It is a topic that is very dear to my heart, but unfortunately it is a topic that gets the wicked very riled.  Instead of jumping right in, I have decided to first share a few stories from others who have had experience in this area, then, God willing, I will share some of my very own experiences.  I will tag each post that has to do with Priestess’ and women in the priesthood, so that they will be easier to find and cross-reference.  Although there may be many sources, several of these stories I will reference from the book, Voices Of Women, volumes one and two, by Rhea Kunz. 

It is my hope that the true order of the Priesthood will be revealed to those who are willing to receive it.  The Priesthood is not the authority to rule over anyone, including ruling over women and children.  It is a wicked society that even suggests or permits such a horrible crime.  The Priesthood of God is to be a servant, an employee.  It is not to rule, be the boss, the leader, or any such thing.  Priesthood is not even the authority to lead in righteousness.  Priesthood, if a person is accepted by God, means that person, who is accepted by God, is now on staff.  The priesthood holder is an employee, and it is their job to do the work that they are instructed to do by God himself.  Those who overstep their bounds, and say that God has commanded them to do it when He has not, are taking the Lord’s name in vain, and will be fired. 

Hopefully, this series of posts will reveal a spirit of service and true priesthood. 

This post is part of a series of posts on Women in the Priesthood.


Saturday, 15 November 2014

A Question About Faith

A question was posed about the subject of faith, and I was having a difficult time wording an answer.  Because we each come from different backgrounds, and have different life experiences, and because questions are asked from those perspectives, accordingly there are various ways to express an answer.  This was a large question, and there were various nuances in the email, so there may be parts of this answer that may seem elusive at first.  Please keep in mind that this email was for a specific person and a specific set of circumstances, and I am posting it here (with permission, and slightly edited) in the hopes that it may provide a different perspective and perhaps be of eternal use to others as well. 

My experiences with Faith: 

I hope that I can give you some ideas that will be useful to you. And in that regard, I would rather not address what I think, but instead share with you what has actually worked with me.

Faith is the moving cause of action. Faith is not a belief. Faith is not a magical/mystical power. Faith is following a course of action that produces the desired result. In fact, faith is loyally following that course of action, without deviation. Not the least deviation! 

What do you think of when you hear the phrases: a faithful dog; a faithful companion; a faithful spouse; faithfully sticking to his diet; etc? Those phrases describe faith. That is what faith is! 

Faith is a gift from God, granted to those who are faithful. 

As we pray for an increase in faith, the Lord will give us more instructions that we must follow faithfully. As we follow faithfully, we have faith. But it is still the heart that our Heavenly Father looks upon. Are we only following to have faith, or do we enjoy following? Do we enjoy being faithful even if there were never to be any reward? That is the heart of it. 

Joseph Smith was fore-ordained to do what he did, and he did exercise great faith, and yes greater faith than most of us, although you have it in you to exercise the same faith as Joseph Smith did.

You are absolutely correct when you say; "Perhaps technically speaking faith is only manifest when we ask for that which is right, or in the mind of God, so on that account, Joseph Smith had faith, because it was in the mind of God to appear to him."

Faith must be based in a correct principle and must be according to the will of God for it to bear fruit, or it is not faith. 

The Lord has His hand upon you and He will lead you through a specific course, designed specifically for you, to bring you before His face. He has already revealed that.

Comparing ourselves against others does not often work. I went through a programme designed specifically for me. I was faithful through some very horrendous sufferings that were very long lasting. Some of which are still ongoing. It is a very bitter cup.

We all have our agency, and as long as you haven't done any horrendous crimes, you are still capable of going before God in person in this lifetime. He has already revealed this to you when I was there. So take heart. You can continue to push forward in faith, you are not pressing forward in vain. 

Some of the things you need to correct are your beliefs about God, and He is already leading you through experiences designed to correct those beliefs. 

I hope this helps.  Do not lose heart; you are on the right path.  Keep seeking Christ.  Keep seeking the face of God! 

Yours in Christ,


Monday, 10 November 2014

The Servants Of God Must Unite For Zion To Come

When will Zion come??

This always seems to be a popular topic.  And everyone has their own speculation.  Some of the 'servants' of God are shown little bits and pieces of the answer to this, then they, rather unfortunately, speculate the rest.  There is no need to speculate.  The Lord already answered this question and it has been clearly recorded in holy writ. 

This post is directed toward the servants of God. 

1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

 3 Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

.Contrary to popular belief, Zion will not come when enough people are converted to the church or to any specific group.  It will not come when the One Mighty and Strong comes to set the churches in order.  Zion will only come when the ‘servants’ of God see eye to eye, and start getting along.  The ‘servants’ of God are the ones who need to be united. 

[Unfortunately, there is exceedingly great pride among the ‘servants’ of God, and many of them seem to think that since God communes with them in some way, or has communed with them in some way, that this makes them special.  And now because they think they are special, they think that they have some kind of rights or authority that others do not have.  Some of these ‘servants’ even start churches, often setting themselves up (or others setting them up) for a light.  All too often there is the belief that when enough people join this new church, the second coming will occur.  This of course is false!] 

This does not mean that everyone should shun the churches/groups, nor that everyone needs to gather to the various churches/groups started by one of the Lord’s “servants”, or convert to their group, church, or way of thinking.  It means that everyone needs to convert to the Lord.  It means that all the ‘servants’ of the Lord must live what the Lord taught.  They must accept each other, and accept that the Lord never gives all revelations, prophecies, and gifts to just one servant or one set of servants, but He is very cautious to ensure that each ‘servant’ has a unique gift or set of gifts.  Zion must have all those gifts, and they can only be had in unison when all the ‘servants’ are united and accept that they are not the special one.  Zion will only be established when those ‘servants’, those priests in white, are clothed in light.  THEY MUST GET ALONG!  And one ‘servant’ must not think that they are any more valuable to the work than another. 

The Prophets, Prophetesses, and Servants of God must unite for Zion to come.

13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?

 14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 
15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 
17  For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. 
