“Wo be unto him that lieth to deceive because he supposeth that another lieth to deceive, for such are not exempt from the justice of God."
Doctrine and Covenants section 10 is very aptly applied to the people of our day. It used to be that Satan was struggling to not let Mormonism take hold, but he has since changed his tactic in that he now wants as many polluted forms of Mormonism that he can get, so much so that if the boy prophet were born in our day, he would still be asking; ‘Wither is truth?’
This deception strategy applies very well today in that the evil one is still hard at work trying to destroy the work of God. The Art of Mis-Information is the main strategy of leaders in all areas, religious and secular. And they think they are so very clever and that the Lord does not know of their deception, and so they constantly strive to deceive the servants of the Lord whom He sends among them.
I have experienced this recently: I was sent to a certain people and they thought to work a strategy to try and deceive me, but the Lord knew of their strategy and informed me. How strange that they think they can deceive the Lord!
The Lord makes it painfully clear in the scriptures, that those people will be caught in their own snare, and will suffer that loss for eternity.
Some even claim that they are not trying to deceive, in which case we have to wonder, why then are they justifying themselves? Obviously, they are well aware of their own strategies.
D&C 10:28 reads: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, wo be unto him that lieth to deceive because he supposeth that another lieth to deceive, for such are not exempt from the justice of God.”
To all good people, it seems rather ridiculous to try and deceive the Lord, but the wicked think, “…and we will do this that we may not be ashamed in the end, and that we may get glory of the world.” They think they will not be ashamed in the end, but if they actually thought they were not doing wrong, then they would not be trying to deceive in the first place. It is obvious that they only wants the glory of the world, or the glory of their little peer group. And that is what they will get, and in the next life, even that will end. God will not be deceived. It is quite sad.
It is important to find out if someone is telling the truth, and in D&C 9 the Lord tells us how to do that. The problem is that some think that the servants of God are not really of God, and because those people are evil and their deeds are evil, they will not ask of God to know the truth, that is, if the servants of God are really of God. And if they do not know if the servant of God is of God, then they think they are justified in following the strategy of the devil: “And thus he flattereth them, and telleth them that it is no sin to lie that they may catch a man in a lie, that they may destroy him.”
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, wo be unto him that lieth to deceive because he supposeth that another lieth to deceive, for such are not exempt from the justice of God.”
The darkness here is not comprehending the light which God has sent among them. This light has been sent to build up His Church, not destroy it. The light was sent so that, “…whosoever might believe on this Gospel in this land might have eternal life;” D&C 10:50
It is Satan who doth stir up their hearts to contention and arguing about doctrine and wresting scriptures.
But if the people turn to God, He will gather them, if they will not harden their hearts. But if they turn away God, God will turn them away.
“Yea, if they will come, they may, and partake of the waters of life freely.”
~ D&C 66
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