Sunday, 9 February 2014

The Wicked Take The Truth To Be Hard

From time to time I am asked rather serious questions whose answers are often painful, both to the person asking the question, as well as to me.  It is also painfully obvious that the person asking the question is quite aware of the answer, and they are really only looking for justification or excuse to behave as they wish to behave. 

Jesus related that in His father’s house are many mansions. 
And Paul was caught up to the seventh heaven. 
Joseph and Sydney saw the various degrees of glory. 

From these accounts and others, we find that God has prepared a place for all of us.  And it is evident that we are agents unto ourselves as to how far we progress.  What a great God who allows us the freedom to choose how we progress, and loves each of His children so much that He has prepared a place for each and every one. 

Nevertheless, no matter the extent of God’s grace, there are those who still want to do evil and gain a reward.  And often not just any evil, but the most heinous evils, and not just any reward, but they want the greatest reward, the greatest blessings, so they have devised a false doctrine to satiate their souls.  That being that they can go and do the most heinous crimes, then when they are filled, just get baptized and feign claim hold on Celestial glory. 

God cannot be deceived!  Nor can He be mocked.  His grace is sufficient for all those who humble themselves before Him and do the will of the Father, but He will not be mocked. 

Those who commit heinous crimes can repent.  They can “leave there thy gift before the alter, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.”  The Lord is merciful and kind, and all those who repent in sackcloth and ashes He will forgive, with the exceptions that Jesus related.  Those who repent and are forgiven can be released from Hell, but that does not mean that Celestial Glory, Eternal Marriage, or Godhood awaits.  That is why there are many mansions, different levels of heaven, and degrees of glory.  The scriptures are very clear on this issue. 

The gifts of Celestial Glory, Eternal Marriage, and Godhood are offered to those who have kept themselves pure and have qualified themselves.  They are not granted to those who have disqualified themselves.  The Lord will not be mocked, neither will he allow His laws to be trampled upon, especially by those who hold the oracles/claim to hold the oracles and perform sealings that are not in accordance with the laws that He has set to govern these things. 

Fear not to do good little flock, for it is your Father’s will to give you the Kingdom. 


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