Wednesday, 5 February 2014

From "Realities"

I love these couple of paragraphs from the book, Realities, by M. Basilea Schlink. They can be found in chapter 18. 

"Scripture speaks about the faith that can move mountains. This is far more than merely believing something to be true or possible. It is a divine hurricane. It grips a man. It completely fills him. It lets him think and desire nothing else except that one thing which God has bidden him to obtain. For this, the man gripped by the spirit of faith gives his all. He is ready for any sacrifice. His will is linked to the will of Almighty God. Retreat is out of the question, so long as he is acting according to God's Word. Should God, however, give him to understand that He has changed His plan, he would at once give in."

"Our Lord Jesus said: "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move hence to yonder place,' and it will move" (Matthew 17:20). And after this experience we could say: If you do not have faith and have no goal for your faith, because you are complacent and indifferent the "mountains" stay put. Those things which hinder the victory and the building of God's kingdom are removed only by a fighting faith. God wanted a house to be built. When that desire of God met with faith in us, the house was built."


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