Tuesday 25 April 2023

Emulation As A Form Of Worship

 Since the Lord said "Follow Me,"  revealing emulation as His desired form of worship, then how we behave reveals if we truly worship Him or not.  In fact, how we behave reveals the God we worship.

The Lord's worship of the Father was one of emulation, considering the statement, "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise."

So then, since believe is actually to do, if we do not emulate the Son, then not only do we not believe in Him, but clearly we do not worship Him; nor do we worship the Father, whom the Son emulated.

The question remains, if we do not worship Him, whom do we worship?

If we contend, we worship the father of contention.

If we kill, we worship the father of killing.

If we commit adultery, or any manner of lasciviousness, then we clearly worship the father of such filthiness.

If we do not forgive, then we do not worship the Father of Forgiveness!

Whom do you emulate/worship?