Saturday, 14 May 2022

Bearing False Witness

“There is no salvation in believing an evil report against our neighbour.”
~ Joseph Smith, Jr.
Unfortunately, there always seems to be someone saying something bad about someone.

In the scriptures, we are instructed not to gossip, nor to bear any type of false witness about anyone, yet how often do we find ourselves listening to gossip?  Why should we even contribute to such evil as to listen to it?  There is no honour in believing gossip.  There is no goodness to be found in repeating gossip.  Gossip only causes contention.

How sad it would be to be a child of the Devil, which is the father of contention!  Why would anyone want to stir up the hearts of men against one another?

Instead, let us promote peace!

Do not gossip, nor bear false witness in any way!
Do not listen to, nor contribute to gossip.
Do not break your covenants by believing an evil report about your brother.
Do not look for evil in anyone.

Be sure to completely forgive all who have ever borne false witness against you.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God!"
How wonderful, to be called the child of God!

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