Monday, 4 April 2022

O Lord, I Will Praise Thee Forever!

 "When I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins."

How many of us feel as Nephi?  We want so much to rejoice, to sing songs of everlasting praise to our Heavenly Father, but we feel so sad because of our frailties, our weaknesses, our shortcomings, our sins.  And yet, here is Nephi, an amazing prophet who stood up for righteousness, and was a true servant of God, and yet he felt the same way we feel!  How could Nephi feel the same way we feel?  Is it not because he is the same as us?  Has he not gone through the same and in some things more than us?

Nephi may lament his weaknesses, but then goes on to tell us how he overcomes those feelings of inadequacy and how we can also.

"My God hath been my support.  He hath led me through mine afflictions... He hath preserved me... He hath filled me with His love... He hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me knowledge by visions in the night time... By day I have waxed bold in mighty prayer before Him... "

Do we remember how much the Lord has done for us?  Do we remember all the times we have been filled with His love, surrounded by angels, and filled with the Holy Ghost?  

If we have felt so much love, so much of the Redeeming Love of the Saviour. If the Lord has visited us in so much mercy, why should our hearts weep? Why should we linger in sorrow? Let us instead shout as Nephi:
"Rejoice O my Heart!  And Cry unto the Lord, and say:  O Lord, I will praise thee forever.  Yea, my soul will rejoice in Thee, my God, and the Rock of my Salvation! ... I will lift up my voice unto Thee!  I will cry unto Thee, my God, the Rock of my righteousness.  Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto Thee, my Rock and mine Everlasting God.  Amen."
Let us sing praises unto our God!  Let us feel happy in our God, the Rock of our Salvation, even Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Redeemer!

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