Saturday, 12 March 2022

Healing - A Tool Of Conversion?

Every once in a while, someone hears about the healings that go on in our church, and they come to see for themselves. Some folk come for healing, others come to watch. Some who need healing are very humble and very meek, and they receive the healing they so much desire. Others who need healing are so filled with pride and vanity, they come demanding that they be healed, or they will not believe, therefore, they usually do not heal. It is a simple formula. Those who are meek, who believe, who are humble enough to change their lives, they heal. On the contrary, those who demand to be healed first, before they believe, are not. Is your pride really worth that much? Does it really make you feel better to have your suffering all your life, just so that you can keep your vanity? Approach the Son of God in both meekness and humility, a broken heart and contrite spirit, with complete belief and perfect faithfulness, and He will heal you!

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