It is amazing, how many people claim they want to get to the Saviour and will not follow what the Saviour taught. I have watched for years, people struggle to get to the Saviour. They do everything they can think of to get there, trying every crazy new idea, and year after year, they are no closer. Yes, they do learn many things along the way, but so do we all. The bottom line is, they are still no closer to a face to face with the Saviour, than when they first began their quest! I watch as they do anything they can to avoid the way the Saviour taught. I watch as they twist the Saviour's words, and still that does not work. I watch as they deny His words, twist His words, change His words, go out of their way to do anything except keep His words. The simple truth is, we can only get there by keeping the words of the Saviour, by walking the same path He walked, by going further than what He has gone. "If ye love me, keep my commandments." This does not mean that we pick and choose which commandments to keep, and which can be avoided. We must do as the Saviour did, and He kept all the commandments of the Father. It is all about our hearts, if it is truly in our hearts, then we will keep all the commandments! No matter how long a person holds onto their pride, saying they will find the way to the Saviour by doing it their own way, it will still not work. Heavenly Father has been around a long time, and He sent His Son to teach us how to return. And the only way to return is to do things the way the Son of the Father has instructed! Believe Father loves you, and only wants you to go further than what He has gone. Keep the commandments, do not hurt others, only help and love others. Seek after Him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength. Live only the lifestyle He has lived, and you will soon find yourself embraced in His arms!
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