Saturday, 26 October 2019

Spirit Of The Law

How many, who are breaking the Letter of the Law, say they are justified because they keep the Spirit of the Law???  This is false doctrine.  If they kept the Spirit of the Law, they would not be breaking the Letter of the Law!  

Breaking the Letter of the Law, comes from breaking the Spirit of the Law!   
You cannot obey God and break His commandments!   

A man who breaks the Letter of the Law, does not keep the Spirit of the Law, for:   
Out of the abundance of the Heart does the mouth speak, and;   
As a man thinketh, so he does!   

Keeping the Letter of the Law is only the first step.  
Keeping the Spirit of the Law is the second step.   

To keep the Spirit of the Law, we must keep the commandments in our heart and mind also!   

How many people are under the false impression that, if they say they keep the Spirit of the Law, they are free from the guilt of breaking the Law???   

And yet, Messiah said, that those who break the Law in their Hearts and Minds, are already guilty, and in danger of judgement!   

The Letter of the Law says; if you break the commandments, you will be judged.   
The Spirit of the Law says; if you break the commandments in your thoughts, or heart, you are already guilty, and will be judged.   

To keep the Spirit of the Law, a person must keep their Heart and Mind free from even those things which would lead to the breaking of the commandments!   

So basically, if we actually keep the Spirit of the Law, we would never break the Letter of the Law!

At least we will never run out of thing to work on.  Life would be so boring, if we ran out of ways to progress! ;)

Peel another layer from me Lord!!!!    



  1. I think sometimes we see things as confusing, when actually they aren't. This particular subject seems to be one of those that people "wrest" with. And you have given good counsel on it. Most subjects can "seem" confusing as we all have experienced, but if we truly pray and ask Father to help us understand what He is saying, will He not be willing to help? But we have to be willing to LISTEN and accept His answer and not want Him to answer according to what we want to hear. And I certainly agree that it would be so boring if we ran out of ways to progress, no matter the work it takes on our behalf. Thank you for sharing your insights. Irene

  2. Hi Irene, This topic can be a very tender subject for some folks, and I certainly can understand myself! I do find great comfort in the fact that Heavenly Father is patient, and gave us some insights of 'how-to' actually change our thoughts and hearts. It means, it is possible to progress! Yay!!!

  3. It is said that obedience is the first law of heaven. But obedience to what or to whom? The LDS are taught we are to obey priesthood authority and the Church. I am seeking the face of Yeshua the Messiah and communion with the Church of the Firstborn. How is that accomplished?
