Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Butterfly

The greatest testimony that I can bear, and the most powerful witness that I can share, is that of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What else could be as important as the atonement? The sacrifice that makes it possible for us to repent and return to the presence of God. 

God wants all of us to repent and return to Him.  His greatest joy is to see His children grow and progress and become as He is.

Jesus Christ came to preach repentance, to bind up the broken hearted, to show the way home;  And that way is repentance;  to completely turn away from the world, from our sins, and turn completely to God. 

God has said about those who repent and turn away from their sins and do them no more; "Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the LORD, remember them no more." 

What an amazing promise!  "I remember them no more." 

I have often wondered how the Lord could, "remember them no more", especially when the temporal effects of my mistakes were still so prevalent in my life.

Recently, I read an analogy that described this phenomena perfectly; and I remember an experience I had as a child.

When I was a child, my parents had a couple of apple trees in their back yard. I loved to climb those trees and eat the apples that grew there.  But one year the trees became covered in some sort of nasty cobwebs. Upon closer inspection I found that the trees were infested with worms. Ugly little caterpillars were crawling all over our trees. And every time I went near those cobwebs I would end up covered in worms too. 

As the summer progressed, I found cocoons everywhere. But after a few more weeks, something magical happened. One morning I awoke to find the butterflies emerging from their chrysalis.

They stretched their wings to reveal beautiful new colours and patterns, as they warmed themselves and dried their wings in the sunshine. 

No longer did I see the ugly worms they once were. I only saw beautifully coloured wings, dancing on the breeze, floating gently from flower to flower. I was amazed at the metamorphosis which had taken place. 

This is how God sees each of us; that as we repent a metamorphosis occurs, wherein we turn into a new creation before Christ. No longer does God remember our old sins, but sees only the beautiful creature we have become, His very own sons and daughters, the sons and daughters of God.

May we follow the example of our Saviour, and no longer remember each other's sins and shortcomings.  May we only see the potential that each of us has as a child of God.  And may we treat each other accordingly, as we want Christ to treat us.  May we have as much patience with each other as we want Heavenly Father to have with us.  And may we view each other as Heavenly Father views us, of infinite potential. 


Saturday, 6 June 2015


I said that I would write a bit on Keys, so here it goes. 

There is no mystical power or meaning to the term "Keys".  The term key can be used synonymously with other terms such as; code, passcode, PIN, password, legend, method, knowledge, catalyst, etc.  Now, what do all these terms have in common?  They are all allow the user to actually use the product that they are associated with.  For example; a house key allows access to a house.  A password allows access to a computer.  A PIN allows access to a bank account.  A vehicle key allows a person to start and run a vehicle.  Etc.  And in many situations, there are several keys that are needed to produce a result. 

So the keys to the priesthood, are keys that allow a person to use the priesthood.  If they cannot use the priesthood as we are instructed to do by the Saviour (D&C 13-14), then they do not have the keys to the priesthood.  Just because someone has conferred upon them a certain level of the priesthood and ordained them to a certain office in that priesthood does not mean that they have the keys by virtue of that ordination.  They must apply the keys to be able to use that priesthood and function in that office.  Now, I know that this is very basic stuff, and that a simple reading of the first four books of the New Testament express this concept over and over again, but Jesus was spot on, and it still seems to be the best way to address this topic. 

Many people have the keys, but they fail to use them, I believe it is because some don't recognize the keys for what they are, and others, well ... they just don't want to apply the keys, preferring to hold to their wickedness. 

The keys to the priesthood are very simply knowledge of how to use the priesthood.  These keys are found in the New Testament, the D&C, the BoM, and basically repeated all through the scriptures, and there are only a few of them.  In fact I have often covered them in the posts on this blog.  So there is really no need to address them all individually again.  Therefore, just to cover the principle lightly; when we live according to the covenants of the priesthood, the anointings and endowments (all of them), actually applying these things inwardly, not just in outward actions, but both inward and outward, then we are applying the keys of the priesthood, and when we do anything in this state according to the will of God, it will be ratified by Heaven.  In other words; It will be done! 

The point is that in order to utilize the Priesthood, one must use the key.  If the key is not used, there is no power or efficacy in that ordinance.  We are told not to require miracles at God's hands, but we are commanded to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc.  So all priesthood holders should get themselves and their lives in tune with the Saviour, thereby utilizing the keys, and perform their priesthood duties in power and righteousness. 

In conclusion, all these people running around looking for someone who has the "keys" (due to the priestcraft teachings of our ancestors) to perform the saving ordinances are unfortunately missing the mark.  The "keys" are plainly manifest in a person who has them.  They are manifest in everything they do.  If a person cannot follow the command of God to heal the sick and cast out devils, etc. then they have no power to bless the sacrament, or name a child, or baptize, or perform any saving ordinance.  This is a heavy blow to their pride, but that is why we have the saying, 'many are called, but few are chosen'. 

Friday, 5 June 2015

My Sheep Shall Hear My Voice

I am not a man who is skilled at writing, and even in attempting to convey the simplest concepts I find great difficulty.  And yet the Lord says, "My sheep hear my voice."  So I will continue to share those things which have brought me into the presence of God, in the hopes that someone may find a small morsel of value. 

To those who like to argue with my experiences and say all manner of evil against me:  I often do not feel the need to expound on doctrine, because I feel it is self explanatory.  It is my firm belief that those who argue over plain things have wickedness in their hearts, and no amount of expounding, sharing scripture, or persuasion will change their minds, so I will forgo and leave it to the Spirit to do the expounding. 

If you are truly concerned with one of the doctrines that I espouse, and want me to consider your point of view seriously, first find all the references that back-up what I have written, then present your point of view and I will consider it.  I do respect other people's points of view and their own life experience, yet it is my desire to help others get into the very physical presence of God, where they can see and touch and smell and hear and interact personally and experience and be taught by God himself in His very presence.  There are many of us who have stood in His very presence and been taught from His own mouth.  And on the things that we have been taught, we all agree.  It is also possible and does happen where Heavenly Father does appear to and talk to more than one person at a time.  Our Heavenly Father is very real, and wants so very much to know you and for you to know Him, in person and right now in this life.  Turn to Him.  He is right here waiting for you, ready to receive you. 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

An Interesting Object Lesson

I just experienced a very interesting object lesson in a Family Home Evening lesson.  I have seen parts of this lesson at different times and I will try to describe it with all the parts together in case someone would like to try the object lesson for themselves. 

The object lesson starts with the teacher holding up a can of Spam, and asks: "Who here can tell me what this Spam tastes like and what the results of eating it are?"  Of course a few hands go up, but not many.  Out of the few people that raised their hands, the question was asked: "How many actually tasted Spam before?"  A couple hands went back down.  Those who tasted the Spam previously were taken aside and were given the chance to taste it again to refresh their memory (which comes in handy a little later on). 

Those who tasted the Spam go into another room while the teacher goes back to the class.  Next the teacher asks: "Who here has ever seen or smelled the Spam before?"  If any have, they are taken aside, or a couple people are chosen.  They are taken aside and they are allowed to smell and see and even touch the Spam, then left outside the room until called for. 

A couple more from the group are read the ingredients and told how the product is made.  They then in turn go and teach their own group, (the rest of the class is divided into two groups) by memory what they just learned.  Everyone is assured that they are being taught the absolute truth, with no deceptions. 

Next bring everyone back into the class, and pose the questions again: 
"What does Spam taste like?" 
Those who were taken aside and actually tasted the product explained what they tasted, although there were slight differences in how they described it, and many start giving their opinions of what they think it tasted like, just based on their experiences with it.  Those who smelled, touched, and saw it, had some ideas of what it must taste like, and those who learned the ingredients and some of the process of how it is made also had opinions of what the product must taste like.  If not for a quick teacher, the expression of opinion may have escalated. 

Over the course of the conversation the arguments of 'Who knows the most about the product' is brought out.  Those who know the most about the ingredients and what they were taught about the process of how the product was made (and who taught the majority of the class) have the most support for their opinions.  Those who saw, smelled, and touched the product may be swayed to the side of popular opinion.  And soon enough, those who actually tasted are pushed aside, because after all they don't even know what the ingredients are.  They may even begin to question their own experience of just tasting the product. 

Soon enough, the knowledge of the actual taste and experience of the fruits of the product are lost, replaced by popular opinion. 

Then the teacher introduces a no name version of canned meat, and asks:  "Who knows what this product tastes like and the energy it gives?" 

The process is repeated, only this time new elements are brought into light that question the differences between the two products.  Needless to say, there are many lessons to be learned from this object lesson.  But the one that stands out to me is, all the arguments over the gospel by those who are very well read and so talented that they can get popular opinion on their side, so much so that they actually lead people away from our Heavenly Father and His ways.  All for the argument that those who have actually stood in the personal presence of God cannot quote as many scriptures, or are not as eloquent and persuasive in their speech. 

Those who have actually stood in the personal presence of God do know exactly what it is like and what they need to be like.  Those who have only read and studied and prayed about the ingredient list cannot. 

I have often felt so inadequate before the Lord, but the word of the Lord says, "My sheep hear my voice." 

So the question is: "Do you hear the voice of God, or the voice of popular opinion?"  Are you seeking out the information that those who have stood in the very presence of God can impart, or are you swayed by those who can quote scripture after scripture and yet have never stood in the presence of the Almighty?  If they have not stood in His presence, then they don't know Him.  If they cannot get themselves into His presence, they cannot get you into His presence. 

Go directly to God.  Humble yourselves before Him.  Accept the way things are and work hard to make things better.  Constantly be improving.  Care about others more than you care about yourself.  And never, never give up.  The Lord is there watching you.  He is very interested in you.  He will do, and does do, all in His power to bring you to Him.  Never give up on Him.  He never gives up on you. 
