Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Let No One Set On My Servant

Behold, you have prayed and asked wherewith you may see my face and know that I am. Behold I say unto you, I have sent unto you my servant who holds the keys of this power to instruct you in my ways, so that I may have mercy upon you and show myself unto you, but behold, you have rejected him, and in rejecting him you have rejected me, you have slighted his counsel and mocked his teachings, which are my teachings, and unless you immediately repent I will withdraw my servant and his testimony will stand against you that you have rejected me, and you will not see my face until that great and terrible day. Amen. 

Let no man set on my servant for he that setteth on my servant setteth on himself, and damneth himself, And there is an end. 



  1. I thought this was a scripture, but apparently it's not...not that I could find anywhere. I'm trying not to assume too much here, so, is the servant Joseph Smith? Or another?

    1. This was received this morning, and I was to post it on my blog. There are three paragraphs, this is the first and the third. It is primarily for a specific individual, and secondarily for a couple of others. And, without saying too much, it may find it's way into the hands of another who may draw strength from it.

      The servant to which is referred is a specific person who has the knowledge/experience of how to stand in the presence of God. There are many servants of God that are currently upon the earth who have this knowledge-experience and are working hard at trying to bring this knowledge to others, so that others may stand in the presence of God, so the principle would certainly apply to the rejecting of any of them.
