Saturday, 7 June 2014

With All Our Hearts

If you want Heaven, you have to give up the world. 

Our Heavenly Parents want nothing more for us than for all their children to progress and become all that they can become.  They are truly wonderful and loving parents.  And anytime that we decide to step back across the veil for a visit, we are always welcome; They are always there ready to receive us. 

One of the keys, and perhaps the most important key, is the purity of our desire to progress and then to return home.  It is the purity of our desire, the eye single to the glory of God, that removes all obstacles from our path.  Once our desire to be with our Heavenly Parents again is sufficiently pure, once that is all we want, then all our worldly cares vanish like mist before the morning sun, and the windows of heaven open and we progress. 

The cares of the world are a veil that keep us from conversing with God face to face.  We must only desire the pure Love of God, desire it so much that we are willing to do all things to have it, even give up all our worldly cares. 

My grandmother used to say that ‘you cannot live on faith alone.’  But she was wrong!  The Lord will always take care of those who put Him first.  He will never let anything happen to those who put Him first, except that which has been foreordained to happen. 

There have been many times when I made mistakes, sinned, and even rebelled, and lost the Spirit of God as a consequence.  But as soon as I repented and stopped looking at my fears and my worldly concerns, stopped thinking about them, stopped worrying even the tiniest bit of them, then the Holy Spirit returned to provide direction once again.  As soon as I sufficiently humbled myself, as soon as I was perfectly contrite, perfectly willing to do anything the Lord asked of me, when nothing else mattered, then, and only then, are we acceptable before God. 

As soon as we have given up the world, and want nothing more than to become like our Heavenly Parents, then our feet will be set on the path, and we will begin to progress by leaps and bounds. 

We must have that complete change of heart of which is testified in the Book of Mormon. 
And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.
If we want Heaven, we must give up the world and strive for righteousness and only righteousness, which must be our ONLY desire and our ONLY effort. 


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