It allows us to do all those things we often wished that we had time to do. Like, Praying more, and getting closer to the Lord.
How often have we wished to have more time to read the scriptures, more time to memorize things, more time to teach the children the Gospel?
This time can be a great blessing from the Lord! We can now run forth and do all those wonderful things that we have longed to do!
Personally, I like to start the day with prayer! And this is such a wonderful time, because now we do not have to rush through our morning prayers. Now we can take the time to accomplish a deep and abiding relationship with our Father in Heaven! No longer do we have to limit our prayers to 5 or 10 minutes, or even half an hour to an hour, but we can take our time and get a few hours of interaction with the Lord, and really get fed!
I like to start the day, getting up early, because I went to bed early, and start the day with some deep breathing exercises, and meditation. I do this so that I can rid my mind of all the temporal thoughts. I want to have a clear, peaceful mind for when I approach the Lord, so I am not distracted by worldly thoughts, or concerns.
With life moving so slowly, I like to prioritize time for scripture study. To refresh my mind with all the stories and lessons contained in the scriptures that I can.
It is a great time to spend with the children, to teach them your love of the Gospel. A time to tell the stories of amazing and miraculous spiritual experiences which you have had. Ensure your children know your testimony, and your love of God!
It is a great time to write, to catch up on journaling, to write new gospel songs, poetry and psalms about the Lord. It is a great time to be creative, painting or drawing pictures of Gospel stories and experiences.
What a great time to work on gifts of the Spirit of God! We can work on things like the gifts of prophecy, revelation, tongues, interpretation, translation of Holy writ, controlling the weather, moving mountains, crossing the veil, healing, being healed, exercising great faith, etc.
There is no need to limit our interactions with others, we just need to find other ways than just face to face. For example, we can call our family and friends, to share with them our love and testimony of the Saviour. We can get online, learning how to negotiate the various forums and message boards, teaching the Gospel. At this time, there are many people who are worried about the state of the world, they are looking for comfort, and what better comfort than sharing with them the Good News of the Gospel of the Messiah? That God loves them, and wants them to do well. That God has made a plan to help them return to Heaven and take up their thrones there. We have so much time to be emissaries for God. We can be good stewards, and good missionaries. We can be found blessing the lives of others when the Saviour returns. "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Blessed are those who are found feeding the children.
The best thing about this, is we do not have to stay stuck in the rut of what our daily lives were before the lock-down. We can progress. For those who follow the Saviour, this is a great time to change the course of our lives!
May God bless you all!