Can you share how to receive your Baptism of Fire? How to have a Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit? How to Have Your Calling and Election and Second Comforter?
The Baptism of Fire comes as we follow the directions of the Holy Ghost. As we bring ourselves more and more in alignment with the Saviour. There is the question though: What is in alignment with the Saviour?
To keep the commandments as the Saviour kept them. To walk the path the Saviour walked! To live as He lived.
We must change our lives! We must repent in sackcloth and ashes! We must have a broken heart, and a contrite spirit. A broken heart and a contrite spirit is KEY!
To have a broken heart is to be so distraught for our sins, because of our sins, that we humble ourselves so much until we become contrite! Contrition means that we are finally ready to do whatever the Lord says to fix these things, internally and externally, to make ourselves right before Him.
When we have a broken heart, and a contrite spirit, and we proceed to bring ourselves into alignment with the Saviour, doing all things the Holy Ghost tells us to do, then the day will come that we are purged by Fire and by the Holy Ghost.
As we continue forward we may obtain the Second Comforter, who will continue to teach us. As we follow His teachings, He will eventually make our Calling and Election sure.