Okay, this is getting rediculous!
I have never heard anything more rediculous in my life. Apparently, gluttony is not a sin, only the desire for gluttony is a sin. 'We can eat as much as we want, and there will be absolutely no negative side effects, as long as we do not have it in our hearts.'
This is crazy! If you pig out, you will have the effects of pigging out. How foolish can you be? Yes, the Lord judges on the heart, but if you are stuffing yourself silly, it is in your heart to do so! You only do what is in your heart. As the Lord said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
Cleanse the heart, and you will cleanse the body. But, if you cannot cleanse the heart yet, then at least cleanse the body. Then, after you have cleansed the body, take it to the next level and cleanse the heart.
The Lord loves to see progression. And if you can only progress a little, then progress that little. Just do not stop progressing! The Lord loves you, and will accept your progression. Turn to Him, He will accept you.