Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Eternal Felicity

"...Men are, that they might have joy." 
~ Lehi; 2 Nephi 2:25 

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence...”
~ Joseph Smith Jr. 

Eternal Joy, eternal happiness, comes from agency, from freedom.  The freedom to progress!  Our freedom is limited when we sin, our choices are diminished, our opportunities are lost.  Hence, from sin comes less freedom, less progression, less happiness.  

The counsel laid out in the scriptures is to provide the greatest amount of agency, to ensure the greatest depth of freedom, by which we achieve the greatest amount of eternal progression, and a heretofore indescribable magnitude of eternal felicity.  

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.”
~ Joseph Smith Jr.

Monday, 28 December 2015

A Few More Definitions

Although I have addressed many of these things before, several times, I feel it necessary to reiterate them again.  These are common terms revolving in and around the law of chastity, which are often argued over and justified.  The problem is they are so very serious that one must understand there is no compromise in the Law of Chastity and it's eternal consequence.  The blessings that are attached to chastity are of such magnitude, there is no way to completely fix them once lost.  Using the scapegoat of atonement is flawed if a person does not also realize that God is just, and the atonement only applies to the degree of one's repentance.  Repentance meaning of course turning the heart to God, and to repair the damage, and collateral damage, ensuing from the lack of chastity.  And since the damage can only be repaired to certain degrees, it is commensurate with those degrees to which the atonement can be applied.  This in no way inhibits the atonement from acquiring a soul from the depths of hell upon the turning of the heart towards God, which is one degree, and in full accordance of the laws of justice and mercy. 

In the previous post I covered fornication, and in this post I will remind my viewers of my definitions of Marriage, Adultery, Divorce, Putting Away (Separation), Re-marriage, etc.  A correct understanding of these terms is necessary for progression, even if a person is not yet meeting these definitions.  Our faith must be based in a correct principle for it to bear fruit.  If a person has done wrong, the best course of action is to own up to it, and repent completely, and live up to the standard which will produce eternal joy and eternal progression. 

I have already addressed the definitions of marriage and adultery a couple of times in my posts, and it would be wise to re-read this blog as there is much here that can easily be missed.  Marriage is when two people join sexually.  They are no longer two, but now one.  They belong to each other and no longer belong to themselves.  When either one is with another person, they are committing adultery.  Basically, any sexual contact with a person who is not your spouse is adultery, because that person is, or will be, someone else's spouse.  I do not feel it necessary to defend my definitions again, considering I have already done so in other posts. 

Divorce - Divorce is a horrible crime against Godhood.  It is something that should never happen.  Even Christ explicitly said that any man who divorces his wife, for any cause, saving that of fornication, is committing adultery.  If he is committing adultery, he has lost his Godhood.  There were very few reasons the ancient scriptures allowed for the death penalty, and adultery was one of them.  That fact in and of itself should reveal the seriousness of the crime. 

Putting Away - There are a  few times when the term "put away" is used, some of which seems to indicate a separation, but not a divorce, yet at other times it refers to divorce from a marital situation.  When John the Baptist used this term against Herod, it obviously was indicative of a type of separation, because Herod was with his brother's wife illegally.  In other words, they were living in adultery.  While Philip was yet alive, Herodias was bound to him.  In other areas of the scriptures, putting away refers to a separation, but not necessarily a divorce.  It often refers to keeping a spouse, just not having a sexual relationship, which ironically is a type of fornication, to which divorce was permitted.  The misunderstanding, or twisting of this term, has led to the justification of adultery. 

Divorce and remarriage was permitted under the Law of Moses to limit the filth and unrighteousness that was occurring.  Yet, when Jesus came, he denounced divorce and remarriage, and renewed the Law of Marriage from the beginning.  In fact, the only thing evil enough to merit divorce, according to the gospels, the Lord said was fornication!  And even then, to marry a divorcee is strictly forbidden.  By the Lord's own words, according to the scriptures, to marry a divorcee is strictly forbidden.  The arguments to support divorce and remarriage are usually found in the Law of Moses, where because of the hardness of their hearts, the Lord allowed for them to divorce and remarry.  But from the beginning it was not so. 

These terms and definitions are a hard sell to a wicked society, but I propose that we look at the concept of eternal progression and accept them with the determination that one day people will progress far enough to live by them. 

The Lord is real.  He lives according to the strict law of chastity.  And if He can do it, then so can we.  Let us all follow His example, and be as He is. 


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

The Meaning Of Fornication

I had thought I covered this topic sufficiently enough in previous posts, but apparently not.  So, I might as well address it a little deeper.  I will be more straight forward and bold this time, so please be aware.  I am fully aware that I may estrange the few friends and acquaintances I have left, but in order to offer the innocent, those whose hearts are set on following the Saviour, the opportunity to move closer to the Father, and not be led astray, I must speak out. 

The best way to deceive people is to use the familiar terms used in the scriptures, but to change the meaning of those words, so the people are led astray unawares.  In this way, the people think they are still following the dictates of God, but they have really "transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant."  This is the curse to which Isaiah was referring.   

There is a heavy movement circulating with several people writing scriptural thesis' on the 'meaning of fornication.'  In these papers, the authors strive to convince the reader of a new meaning of the term "fornication."  Of course, in order to do so, the authors must also alter the meanings of other words, such as: marriage; and adultery.  By the time one is done reading these various thesis', many readers are fully convinced of the "truthfulness" of the satanic doctrine.  These thesis' are written by very skillful scriptorians, who use various quotes of scripture and holy men (usually taken out of context) to prove their arguments, which often convinces their unread readers. 

First, these wicked scriptorians break down the meaning of the word fornication into two parts: that which precedes marriage; and that which occurs during marriage.  They assure the reader that fornication means different things in both these areas.  In the former, it is often accepted that fornication refers to sex, specifically intercourse, prior to marriage (even this they attempt to justify).  In the latter, they have gone to great lengths to create the meaning to be no longer in love with their spouse, and thereby nullifying the words of Christ, and justifying divorce and remarriage. 

I will not mention, in this post, where these thesis' can be found, in case some who are not aware decide to read them and inadvertently be led astray by them.  It is my intent to state the correct doctrine, thereby offering the reader a choice, not by debating scripture, but by the Holy Spirit of God. 

Initially, I was going to debate based on a point by point approach, but to debate only seems to inspire further contention.  Instead, I am not going to address, in this post, the meanings of marriage, adultery, divorce, or separation.  I am going to keep this focused on the meaning of fornication. 

The first thing to realize is that God does not change.  All that made Him God is still what makes Him God.  He cannot, and does not, alter that.  If we want to follow Him, to be like Him, then we too must follow the rules that He follows.  In accordance with this is to go back to earlier source material, specifically the earlier source Hebrew, paying close attention to the actual meaning of the letters.  A thorough web search will reveal a consistent meaning of Hebrew letters and meanings.  It only takes a little bit of elbow grease.  Cross-referencing with Aramaic, Greek, apocryphal books, and other earlier source material also sheds light on the subject.  Of course, having a modern prophet just ask God to clarify does not hurt either. 

So, what does fornication mean?  It obviously refers to sex in some way, but why is it that some people in the scriptures are referred to by God or His prophets, as being fornicators, when clearly they were not disgruntled with each other, or having sex outside of their marriage?  It is because fornication refers to the acting upon the lust of the flesh.  From fornication comes all sorts of sexual sins, such as: pornography; literotica; romance novels; movies and music that exalt or trivialize sexual behaviour; fantasies; crude jokes and speech; masturbation (inside or outside marriage); any type of sex with anyone outside of marriage; adultery; sexual addiction; etc.  In fact, it is easily possible for one spouse to be guilty of fornication, and the other spouse not, even if they both only have any type of sex with each other.  Because one could be interested in the other and the strength of the union, while the other could be interested in only the physical pleasure.  Even the denial of intimacy is a form of fornication within marriage.  Anything that leads closer to Christ is of Christ,  on the contrary, anything that leads closer to fulfilling the lusts of this world is against Christ. 

The trivialization of sex in our culture has done more harm than any other sin upon the face of the earth.  It was the sin at the time of Noah, the sin at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities of the plains, and prophesied to be the sin in the latter days for which the world will be burned.  The lies and deceptions of those who would gratify their vain ambitions, and excuse their sinful behaviour has led millions of people into the gaping jaws of hell.  These people who espouse such wickedness also promote the false doctrine of, 'go sew your wild oats, then return and get re-baptized and you will be clean again.' 

Beware of those who change the doctrine of Christ and His God, by changing the meanings and definitions of those teachings.  Those who change the meanings, lead people away into forbidden paths, often worrying the Law of Moses, the lower law, which was given because of the hardness of their hearts.  Because the Children of Israel were so immoral and unchaste, they were given a lower law to limit their evil desires.  The Law of Moses was not given to exalt the people, but rather to keep them from being totally evil.  The Law Christ brought was to raise people out of the filth, to move them closer to the Father.  Always follow the teachings of Christ over the Law of Moses. 

How could anything be more evil, more deceptive, than a man or a church who uses the same terms as found in the scriptures, but changes the meaning of those terms?  Yet, here we have people changing the definitions of marriage, adultery, and fornication, and as John said, "By thy sorceries were all nations deceived!"  John calls these people sorcerers.  They are deceiving nations!  All so they can feel comfortable in their own sins.  They make excuses as to why they do not speak to God in person, face to face, always looking for another reason, refusing to acknowledge their rebellion, their fornication against God.  The only thing worse would be to start promoting murder and human sacrifice. 

There is no greater idolatry in the history of the world that could surpass the trivialization of fornication.  It is, "the great whore of all the earth." 

To those who promote this wicked doctrine, and those who have fallen into it's snare, I say repent.  Turn back to God.  Give up all lusts of this world, specifically the carnal lusts and addictions of the flesh, mind, or emotions.  You have not gone so far astray that you cannot come back.  The Lord is the Lord of forgiveness.  Repent and return to Him, and you can find forgiveness and peace for your soul.  He has so much in store for you, but you can only receive it if you abide the laws upon which it is predicated.  He is there waiting for you.  He will accept all those who truly repent and reform their ways to follow Him. 

To those who have not fallen into this trap; stay strong.  I know the adversary is very persuasive and powerful with peer pressure, but God is stronger.  Keep your hearts set on your Heavenly Father, and keep your eye fixed upon the blessings He promises.  He will not fail you.  You will never regret keeping yourself pure and unspotted from the world when you see the blessings attached.  In fact, eternity and exaltation will open before you! 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Insignificant Details

I noticed there is a great deal of weight put on how much insignificant details a person knows.  Why the belief that, the person who quotes more scripture, or knows the colour of an angel's eyes, is somehow in possession of eternal life, or could lead you to the same?  Only a belief in a correct doctrine can lead a faithful person into the presence of God.  Do not put your faith in the words or actions of a person who brags on how much he knows!  If he seeks to teach you silly details, he is a deciever!  He is distracting you from the truth!  Do not follow him!  A true servant of God will do nothing but strive to get others into the presence of God while yet in this life.

It is not about how many times I have been to heaven, or by whom or how many people I have been taught, it is about getting into the presence of the Father.  I can coach you, but you have to open your heart, you must to do the work yourself.   

Yes, I have been to heaven a few times. Yes, I have been taught many things by different people on the other side of the veil, but that is not really the point.  It does not matter how much a person knows, as much as it matters to get into the presence of the Saviour, and that will only happen when your heart is broken, and your spirit is finally contrite.  

After being taught for hours, I could write  volumes, but what good would it do?  There is no reason to think the few words I have written are of me, or all I have been taught.  After seeing the beginning of the earth to the end, how will sharing all that get a person into the presence of God? Why do these things matter so much?  Of what value is it, to know if the pearly gates swing or roll?  If I tell you, then will you finally turn your hearts to God and give up the world?  

Give up the world completely.  There is no such thing as necessary evil.  Give up the world completely, and turn to God.  He is real.  He is right there waiting for you.  

Friday, 4 December 2015

A Basic Working Knowledge

It would be wise to obtain a basic working knowledge of the scriptures. This way someone doesn't have to explain every single scripture, and give each and every reference, and set forth each concept and principle, then your opinion would carry a lot more weight.

To those who like to argue.  If I have to explain every single scripture, and give each and every reference, and set forth each concept and principle, then your knowledge is severely lacking.
If you don't even have a basic working knowledge of the scriptures, how do you expect to learn anything?  And if you believe that you already have a solid understanding, then obviously you are already talking to God face to face, in which case you wouldn't have the spirit of contention. 

Bottom line:
If you aren't talking to God face to face, then you know nothing.  And once you are talking to God face to face, then you will know without a doubt that you know nothing.